etfc 3-D THE TAMPA TRIBUNE, Sunday, May 1964 Hom Area IS Colored Real Estate) Homes Area i 12 Waterfront Pro pert PATTER)! ty ANril ADAMS 17 Income Buslneu rreporty if 'ft 1 1MM' I jp Sleek, side-slit skirt you love good news In short and long length (for at home, club dances.) Easy to sew In linen, shantung, crepe, light wool. Printed Pattern 4901: Misses Waist Sizes 23, 24, 23, 26, 28, 30. Size 28 (short) takes 1 yards 35-inch. FIFTY CENTS In coins for this pattern add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mailing and special handling. Send to Anne Adams, care of The Tampa Tribune 6, Pattern Department, 243 W.
17th New York 11, N.Y. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO GET A PATTERN ABSOLUTELY FREE? It's simple order our Spring-Summer Catalog including FREE COUPON to get any one of 250 design ideas. Send 50 cents today. 23 Grove Ranches A Lakefront Grove Fine 1 BR home overlooking Lake, 2 car garage.
Hobby room. This first class property. Priced right witO excel ent terms. A Grove with the Valencia crop. $47,500, 29T- down.
A Bearing grove. $55,008, 29-40 A Orange grove property. Good crop set, $59,000, 29Ti down. A Heavy producing grove. Irri gation.
5195,000, 29 OOWB 120 A Orange grove. Good crop set. $325,000. 29T, down. 2)0 A Orange grove a real buy with 29' down.
JOHN J. BRENNAN. Realtor 124 W. Main St. Lakeland, Fla.
Safe-Buy Agency FREE money-saving catalog! Actual photos! Bargain coast-to- Coast! ONLY $500 DOWN! PLENTY of breathing room witn space for garden ana poultry. -One level acre. 4-room and bath, home, FURNISHED with range, refrigerator, bedroom suite. Block off main highway ea -blacktop, mile atore-church, 4 miles E. FLA.
city. Only SAFE-BUY REAL ESTATE AGENCY 712-FT West Third. Little Rock, Ark. SO. CENTRAL FLA.
20 AC. 4 yr. old Val. grove In Highlands to. $250 an ac.
reaay to start producing. 855 AC. ranch land under wood fence access by grade road an Ac. JARRETT HAMILTON REALTY Box 1007. Arcadia.
Fla. WA 9-5571 480 ACRE RANCH BEAUTIFUL rolling land, hlgb dry. Modern 3 BK-z btn, air conn, concrete block home. Over 400 acres improved pasture crossed fenced into 12 pastures. About 65 miles N.
of Tampa. Total $120,000. HOMELAND REALTY 932-6097 FOR sale 20 acre young grove well located on the ndge near roet- -proof. Wate for irrigation. Tractor and equipment if wanted.
See it before you price it. Dr. Clifford Manley, Frostproof. Contract Egg Factory 30 ACRES, 2 BR modern home, 1 chicken houses, 26x410, over 8000 young hens laying 7 to 8,000 eggs per day, good egg contract, all automatic equipment, room to grow, 33,000 young planted pine trees, $30,000, $11,000 down assume $19 000 mortgage. This is the BEST BUY we've ever had In a CHICKEN FARM.
MADELINE E. PRINCE, Realtor Ph. Tampa 949-1444 Land O' Lakes Cm U.S. 41 N. 550 ACRE RANCH IN Hillsborough County, close In.
90 improved pasture, barn 1 loft, 3 wells, new posts wire. Paved road frontage on U.S. Highway. Owner wishes imme- diate sale! WALTER W. STROMBERG Office: 229-8594 Res: 225-672J Pallardy-Watrous, Inc.
Realtors Rentals Loans 206 Madison Phone: 229-8594 DAIRY OR BEEF MEN can use this 1,000 AC inc. 400 AC imp. grass. 100 AC ready -to plant 72 stanchion barn, 5 CB homes. Fenced, good wells, Tampa near.
DONALD S. RUFF REALTOR 833-8141 3623 Barcelona, Tampa 9. Town Country, Inc. REALTORS 20 ACRE excellent industrial or commercial location. Plant City.
Hwy. frntg. 92 east, access to RR, State Federal Hwys. Priced to sell. $67,500.
10 ACRE young, mature Hamlin grove. Excellent fruit crop, already set. Good location, warm area. Tenant house, rented $50 mo. $35,000, 29 dn.
Terms to be arranged. 25 ACRE, excellent Industrial to- cation, residential or trailer park development. 1 mi. no. Plant City, Hwy.
39. $20,000, terms. Will trade. 1509 W. Reynolds St.
Phone 752-3141, Plant City New! Free! SUMMER CATALOG GET your copy of TJNTTED'S new guide to top value right away! Read about more than 1,700 of America's most fascinating real estate buys! Over 1,600 actual photos! 25 states, coast to coast! A must for informed shoppers everywhere and. it's FREE! Country Estate TRANSFERRED owner sacrifices' pretty 17-acre Florida country place! Just the place to raise a family. Swimming pool plus small lake! 6-room ranch-style home, 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, 9x24 breeze-way which could double as playroom, attached garage. 12x15 cottage. Lots of room for your own garden, plus room for horses and pets, 35 orange trees, tangerine, pecan.
Within 32 miles Tampa. Don't miss this at $16,500, only $3,500 down, ready now. Pretty Contemporary! Only $400 Down! LOVELY 3-bedroom home in Tampa for ONLY $400 down! Antique brick front, 6 rooms, 2 baths, colored fixtures, shower with sliding glass doors, L-shaped living and dining area, birch cabinets, Formica tops, PINK Frigi-daire range, built-in oven, exhaust hood, 3 closets in hall, PLUS one in each bedroom, marble window sills, terrazzo floors, sliding glass door leading to screen-enclosed porch. Utility room, carport. 63xl30-ft.
lot. Small lily pool near front entrance. Concrete drive. Today's best buy at $12,400, ONLY $400 down. Quick possession.
Log Lodge On Lake. ONLY $2,000 down secures FLORIDA acres highlighted by FURNISHED 2-story log dwelling with ft. floor space! Borders beautiful spring-fed sand-bottom lake offering fine fishing and swimming! Ideal for private estate or development as cottage resort. Good log house has 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, bath, welt, rustic stone fireplace, large sleep. ing porch, lovely setting overlooking lake, outdoor fireplace.
Secluded, on private road, 4 mile to highway, 4 town, 25 state university city. This appears to be one of the most unique and ex. citing places in Florida and it certainly demands immediate action on your part at $11,500 in--eluding refrigerator, stove, 6 beds, chests, other furnishings, boat! ONLY $2,000 down! United Farm Agency One North Orange Room 315-D. Orlando, Fla. 32801.
Phone 423-7161. 24 Acreage 640 AC. Hillsboro Co. THIS IS AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY. Fenced, graded road.
Partially cleared. $150 per acre, 29 down. SVi AC. Seffner area. Paved road, well, wooded, $8250.
2W ACS tract. High It dry. Paved road. NW, near Dale Mabry. $6000j $1000 down, $50 mo.
2 AC. tract, NW area. Paved road. 10 AC. Lutz.
Paved road. THIS NICE. $12,500. RUDY KERSEY REALTOR 4614 Kennedy Blvd. 877-6036, 855-4759 11 ACRES COMMERCIAL HWY.
92 LOW DN. PAYMT. OWNER 932-06211 932-7711 ACREAGE large small lot in Temple Terrace area. Pearl Elliston, Realtor 988-185 OWNER. 5, 10, 20, or 40 high wooded acres.
NW Pasco, 17 mi. north of Hills. County line. As low as $350 per acre ft at low a 10 down. Call 949-1800.
300 A. CLOSE in. Pasture, Farming Investment, $100 A 29 with Terms Broker 682-4813 Lakeland. Florida 9 ACRES on hard road, part grove, will divide, 949-1125. MUST SELL 40 ACRES riverfront bordered on east by Temple Park subdivision west by Hillsboro River ft Temple Terrace.
Terms. Phone 876-4744 ONLY 2 Left! Beautiful small acreage with large trees; Room for Horse. Chickens, Garden. School Bus, Garbage collection, mail, paper at door. Convenient Tampa, Small down and monthly payments.
Dale Mabry to Van Dyke Road, left to the Church, left to 1st house. Mrs. Earl Brown. 3 ACRES, 1 mile USF on (mail Lake. 935-8005.
THOUSANDS RELY on Classified ads in solving daily problems. To sell, rent, buy, hire, Phone 223-4911. COLONIAL HOME I BR one with private entrance 2 baths, on Urge cor. lot, Separate DR bit -in kit. scrn.
patio. Cent. AC. Carpet! drapes thruout. S115 t.nal mo.
pjj'mu. By owner ph. 933-3691. SEE THIS VACANT CENTRAL AIR-CONDITIONED LOT 126X125' FENCED I BR (can be used for 3), kitchen equipped, breakfast room, tuning room, family room, encl. porch, garage.
Beaut, 8523 N. NEWPORT OWNER 935-2663 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, LIVING room, dining room, family room, electric kitchen, double ga-rate, carpet, well. 1304 Bogie jib-sxy BEDROOM CB, Me month, fenced yard, low down payment. 1009 W. Bnarwood, 935-6132, BEDROOM home and $50 month trailer rental.
On 190x145' lot. $12500. equity $1400. 932-98 1ft. BY OWNER-J Bedroom.
Fla. Boom, chain link fence, and wall to wall carpeting. Financing flex ible, rnone 877-5062. Few 3 bedroom home, corner of W. Sligh It Donald Ave.
Of lit, 932-9394. OWNER transferred. Choice Bay Crest Park location. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath. Central heat ft air.
Carpets drapes. Nicely landscaped. Back yard fenced. But small equity assume FHA. Call 855-1173 for appointment.
I BEDROOM. $100 down, $50 month. 1421 Southgate. St. Phone 233-9781.
BEDROOMS, 2 baths, central air-conditioned, all furniture, appii-aaces, drapes, carpets (1,000. Assume VA loan. 935-2405. Magnificent Colonial Country Living, Near Lake NEW Large 4 BRs 2 Baths fEP. Paneled Den Huge Living Rm.
28' Scr. Patio Cent. Air Trees. 80" Lot $114 Total Monthly Payment 1750 dn. FH Gracious Home.
Oce. Lake Morley Estates 1106 Harrtv Drive 932-0700 iMO DOWN. Assume $58 payment. 3 bedrooms, CR. I1- bath.
Fenced yard. Near schools. 6406 N. Lots. ON assumption, no qualifying- necessary, immediate occupancy, 1 bedroom house, tile bath, terrazzo floors $65 month in Town 'a Country Park.
Call 855-3192. $45 CASH, $35 MO. ON W. Memorial Hwy. about I milei from Intersection of Hills-boro Ave.
It Memorial Hwy. A i Rm. house with a carport and a 3 Rm. utility bldg. on bark of lot, fenced.
A real bargain at $3750, (45 cash. $35 mo. Hankins Realty Co. 10U6 Tampa M. ro.
229-2201. NEW HOUSE OPEN 2 to 6 7310 St. Vincent DRIVE by and Inspect. 1 Bed' room. baths, central air cond DIRECTIONS: Drive out N.
Himei to W. Kirbv, turn east. OR N. Habana to W. Kirby, turn west to St.
Vincent, then turn north. INTERNATIONAL. INVESTMENT INC. 1825 Henderson Blvd. 176-3131 AVAILABILITIES CARROLLWOOD CHARMING 1 BR, 1 bth.
Scr. nor. fenced rear yard. SlS-Bix). SPACIOUS liv.
areas. Li. rm Din. rm. Big paneled fam.
rm BR, 1 baths. (23.000. Both tomes, elec. k'ts: total AC, SL'VSTATE RALES CORP. 1W1 N.
HTMr-1 AD W. TD IX WILD FHO.VE 177-3137 SeD bnck 3 bedroom. 1H bath Inquire at 6807 W. Lannoa St. 77-7m OWNER leaving town, must sell soacious 3 bedroom, CB double garage.
Partly furnished, plus work snop. 3 Inch well, on beautiful. landscaped lot. 10x42O' priced low for quick sale, is. rremom.
TODDLER'S PROOF FENCED yard. 3 BRs with family attached garage, kit. equipped Priced at Call now lor ajipt to see 6709 Habana. ruiBTru pru. FsrraTS- rn A LTOR'm-63 Eve.
811-9831 MI. south of Carrollwood bedroom, 2 bath, antique brick front, covered patio, central heat trig and AC. tMO down, assume mortfJEe. 2539 Habana Place. Ph.
9 5-489, i Exciting iThings Happen when you place a classi fied ad in Tampa Trib une. Action starts a cmce and results are quick. Ph. 223-4911. EXTRA MUSICAL INSTRU- i MENTS? Sell them fast with easy to use PEfiSOII TO PERSON YAHTADS toeh additional group of five words only $1.50 Person to Person, special service for non commercial user only, is the modern easy way to get extra money by selling (till useful things you no longer need or use.
Anything you'll sell for $100 or less qualifies as long as you list the price in your ad. And you pay only the low flat charge whether your ad needs ten days for results or you get quicker action. So don't delay. This service for items for tale only. Ads will run in Classification 101.
FLA. ROOMS, SCREEN PORCHES, 1- l' 2 KAlHi. Low Down Payment PAYMENTS like rent. Drive by models loaay. WILL SACRIFICE; new spacious custom bunt i Br.
2 bath home in Temple, Teir. Air-cond. heat pump, birch cabinets, Lite. liv. rm.
Lite, bdrms. Terr. firs. You must see to appreciate. Conventional or FHA.
6 nu lllth Ave. 932-935 or s.77-33.14. TEMPLE TERRACE steal. 3 bed room, 2 bath, fenced yard. 9606 down, take over $14,300 FHA mortgage.
Owner, 988-6941. Quiet Neighborhood OAK shaded, comer lot 115x13V. 3 BR CB. Carport extra Ige. garage with workshop.
Well 4 pump. Just painted inside 4 outside. Price (14.500. Let Ul (how you 3104 E. Diana.
CHARTER REAL ESTATE CO. REALTOR 277-8263 Eve. 831-9851 BY OWNER NICE 2 BR frame home. Near bus. Excellent neighborhood.
1214 E. Crawford. Ph. 236-1311 for full details. HEART of Seminole, corner brick.
I rooms, reduced for Mr. Fixit, 238-2127. BR. frame, big porch $4500 45(10 935-1460 1 BR frame, furnished DEAN REALTY TEMPLE Terrace. Owner trans ferred.
3 bedrooms. lH baths, AC. Dishwasher, Excellent condition. 988-5307. Open House Sun.
1 'til Dark 7125 FLOUNDER DRIVE $100 DOWN IMMEDIATE occupancy $79 per mo 1 BR. 1 bath, fenced in yard. corner lot. Elec. kit terrazzo floors.
Near schools, churches, city bus. JOSE SUAREZ SONS. INC. Realtors 98-5201. $72-0869, 932-9841 after 7 P.M.
128' FACING river, room house. Oblinger. 2511 Chelsea Or- lando. SITTING PRETTY IN A PRETTY getting. Huge oak tree shade this 3 BR, 1W bath home.
Condition inside out i excellent. Close to schools, shop- ftng at transportation. Priced at HA appraisal. $13,000. Let us show you 3001 E.
Jean St. CHARTER REAL ESTATE CO. REALTOR 877-8263 Eve. 831-9851 I BR I Bath, Lot 70x110, about 4 ycara old. First Class Condition (100 down, $6568 Monthly plua taxes and Insurance.
I BR CP, Lot tfbtlOS, about 4 yrs. old. Repaired (100 down, $46.96 monthly plus insurance. Call Joe Thomas 129-181! Home Phone 233-4531 J. R.
MYNATT, Inc. REALTORS 305 Morgao (100 DN LIKE NEW 3 BR-CBS bom, gar. ine nam eiec ail uai leu than rent Ph 988-6901 NEW BR CB. FHA with low dn. pymt.
$11,750. lot. HOPKINS HOPKINS, FEALTY 10302 Nebraska 932-7115, 932-8665 For Growing Family NR. Schools. 4 BR, 2B Fla.
full din rm. Terms. 1211 Henry. 232-4674. C.
equipped. umiiy fenced vara 9409 MARY ST. OWNER W5-23 OWNER transferred. 1 bedroom CB home, fenced yard, orange trees. Near East Gate, and Foster and Sligh Schools.
FHA or Convention al. 640 23rd 231-4123. WANT AD. Ph. 223-4911 Homes.
Area 7 NO NO WAITING $700 (Hi mo. Move in Jane 1st. Bnck colonial 3 BR, I bath in East Lake Park. Private lake for residents. Skiing, fishing, beach, By owner.
Co. BMrt. NO QUALIFYING HOUSES from (165 dn. It (68.7S mo. Call or 626-6597.
Pocabontis. must sell, make offer, your terms. 949-1125. OWNER, frame, 1 bedroom, Central heat, attic fan, carpeting. arapes, zir-ztoa, Z48-Z713.
"Grant Park Area" $50 CASH. $45 MO. HOUSE with 1 small bedrooms, finished inside, Dot a shell house. complete ping. Shade trees.
Paved St. Price $4,750. 3609 GARRISON 5 blki. E. of 5th St.
and about 3 blks. south of Buffalo Ave. Ph. 229-2201. Hankins, Co.
IN EAST LAKE PARK LAKE privileget for $74. per mo. 2 houses. Call 626-9300 or 626-6597. BUFFALO ESTATES 4 BR.
2-bath, (68 mo. 3 BR. 1 bath. $58 mo. NOTHING DOWN V.A, Min.
FHA terms. Open 'til 10 p.m. Thurs. Phone 626-0941 or 626-6597. hom*ot Aroa I (100 dn.
Mod. 2, 3, 4 BR home 1023 S. 7tth SL 626-3712 824-1268 Harry or Florence Shelley E. RIVERVIEW $50 CASH $40 MO. I BR.
home, almost completely finished inside, not a shell home electricity, elec. mm). about mi. west from U.S. 301 center of Rtverview, fronting Riverview (50 cash, $40 mo.
Hankins Co. 229-2201. NOTE: also another house at $.35 mo. 12 Waterfront Proportiat COOL WATERS CANAL LOTS, priced from (1450, your terms LAKE LOTS, priced from $2250, enori terms MADELINE E. PRINCE, Realtor Ph.
Tampa 949-1444 Land O' Lakes On US 41 EARLY AMERICAN HOME AT 'REVOLUTIONARY PRICE" NEW 3 bedrooms 2 baths, termi 872-9331 Van Dycke 876-3534 REALTY EXCHANGE INC. EXECUTIVE TYPE LAKE HOME LGE. split level CBS on Ige beau, tifnl lake for the BIG family look ing for the very best. Offered with or without grove furnished or unfurnished all or part sale or trade. Bill Mullino (35-3119 or 920-5552 eves.
L. A. (LOU) WAUL, INC. 13108 Florida Ave. APPROX.
VA Acre Close in Hills. borough River Frontage. $10,000.00 Owner Z54-903L BAY HWY US 41 frontage, 12 ml. S. ot Tampa, good location for Marina, Tourist Camp or other uses.
Good terms to developer. 4 Acres on 41. V4 sec tion on bav. Brokers OK. Armstrong Ph.
226-2951 ATTENTION executives weekend lake home, close in. Make offer 949-1826. NICE CB Lake home on I ters lot. Good terms. 920-5609 BARGAIN, new CB completely fur nished, ceramic tile bath, electric 4 19 Moteli Hotels NEW ea Gulf.
7 or 14 nnit motel, excellent income. Beautifully Centrally heated, air -conditioned. Restaurant, super market, buses at comer. By owner 111 k77th. Redington Shores.
UNIT Oceanfront Motel, nets approximately $10 after expenses mortgage payments, down. JOHN BRENNAN. REALTOR 124 W. Main Lakeland, Fla. MODERN units (18 Kitchenettes) on Nebr.
Ave bus line, close to downtown. Lrg. lobby storaee room, trade or term. Brokers OK. ARMSTRONG 226-951, 229-9475 20 Florida Real Estate LAKE PANASOFFKEE It river tots.
Floral City area. Any terms. Elmer L. Smith, Reg. Broker.
Temple Terr, Nebraska. 932-8957. Bradenton Walter S. Hardin Realty Inc. REALTORS 402 12th St.
744-0411, Bradenton Dependable Service Since 1924 Crystal River R. O. JONES DON McBRIDE REALTORS Sales-Service since 1948 Crystal River Ph. 796-J187 Dunnellon YOU NAME IT acreage, water-front property, homes, Motels, Business Investments we have it, or will get it if your request is within reason. Write or Pbnne Joe L.
Cobb. Realtors, Dunnellon, 489-226L Lakeland DUE TO my wife's death, I will sen my nome in tne iropicai Garden section of Lakeland. 2 bed room, frame house, baths, large air conditioned living room, all electric kitchen, small utility room, carport, lots of snruonery. Completely furnished, all new furniture bought 18 months ago. Everything ready to live in, only nave to buv food, contact j.
h. Fitzsimmons, 739 Buena Vista, Lakeland. Phone 683-4155. Lake NEW 2 bedroom home, completely furnished, private dock. 237-8833, 232-5211.
Lake Tsala Apopka NEW LAKEFRONT HOME 5 ROOMS porch carport Terms to suit from $60 mo. up VAL ENTERPRISES U.S. 41 S. Inverness 726-2401 New Port Richey 5i ACRES, close to gulf 4r beach Only $1795, $200 down balance $20 mo. Henry uingus neaitor, New Port Richey.
Ph. 849-2251. Open Sunday. WATERFRONTAGE-TRAILER $3995. Room for 8 trailer spaces, Surrounded by water.
Few feet to US 19 open gulf. Kiectnc, central water in. Own your own small waterfront trailer park, like rent. $800 down. $40 mo.
Let us show you how. Henry Dingus Realtor. New Port money, i-'n. 849 2251. open sun- day.
Pinetta SEVEN room brick veneer house. Vh baths on two large lots located in Pinetta, Florida. Price $15,000.00. Financing available, Phone 929-4659. Call after 6:00 p.m, Plant City $100 DOWN.
$50 mo. Suburban area, Nice location, 2 Br. frame, needs paint, otherwise okay. 5 yrs. old.
Mr. rtaymono, Kii-mi, vjy-sia. Punta Gorda WATERFRONT HOME DIRECT access to Gulf, air cond. ft- heated, sacrifice $9500, terms, R. Wilmers, P.
O. Box 1326. Punta Gorda, Fla. Week! Wachee Springs Waterfrt. Cottage $4550 Wat'frt.
Lots $995 Terms SALT fresh water fishing swimming. Turn W. of Hwy. 50 at Weeki Wachee Springs, go until you pass state Rd. 595, look for signs "Palm Grove Colony." Salesman on property Sunday.
Henry Dingus Realtor, New Port Richey, Ph. 849-2251. Open Sunday. Withlacoochee HOLIDAY Shores. Adjoins Game Reserve on Withlacoochee River.
Wooded Lot $395 up. SR 476 betw. US 41 301, Nobleton, Fla. HUNTING and fishing paradise. 525x150' on water.
Beautiful and secluded wooded campsite. $2995. F. Avanzini, Rt. 1 Box 117-B Inverness, Fla.
726-1864. 10 A. BEAUTIFULLY wooded rolling land, $2495. $50 dn. $35 mo.
Will sell Vi. TEN RIVERS REALTY 489-2071 4 mi. W. of Dunnellon on R. 488 WATERFRONT, wooded hillside retreat lots State Rd.
476 at Nobleton, Fla. follow signa to "River Retreats" office. SPORTSMAN Paradise. Beautiful Weekend Retirement waterfront lots. SB95 to $3200.
RIVERSIDE GARDENS SR 44 east of Inverness, Fla. Evenings Sundays. 21 Out-of-State BEAUTIFUL Mountain home consisting of 2 bedrooms, kitchen and den combination completely furnished or unfurnished on 61 acres of land with a 6 acre lake stocked with bream and bass. 28 miles from Greenville, C. Contact Cooper White R.
Cooper White, P. O. Box 8154A, Greenville, C. North Carolina ONE ACRE, Bryson City. Spring water, beautiful view, $650.
932-5690 MOUNTAIN homesites located in the Nantahala National Forest between Andrews and Franklin, N.C. Elev. 3200 to 3500'. Sell at property site only for information write S. W.
McAuley P.O. Box 483 Fort Meade, Fla. 22 Vacation Properties Campsites CABIN on the water for sale. Ho. mosassa.
Cash or terms, very rea sonable. 839-1471. Want Ad Ph. 223-4911 23 Farms Groves Ranches FARMS ACREAGE Suwannee County, Paul A. Byrd, Reg.
Bkr. b. Ohio, Live oak, lonna. 44-ACRE heavy bearing orange grove, good house and grove equip ment, irice siaUiOiiti, terms. JOE L.
DAVIS Phones PR 2-6901 Night PR 2-4501 Wauchula, Florida 19 ACRES rich soil, including 8 acres improved fenced pasture, It 5 acres young grove. Roomy 4 bedroom country home, 2 miles north of Hwy 52, near 1-75. $1500 down. Gertrude Mitchel, Realtor 949-4120 25 A incl hme 21 Vz A grv PASCO Cty. A-l cond.
12Mi A. Val. org. sour 2o yrs. 9 A.
seed org. 2-3 Sour re. 2 BR hse rented $47.50 mo. Taxes $318. $50,000.
29 dn. F. Whealton, Bkr. 607 S. MacDill 877-6015 Res.
689-3640 NEW! FREE! Summer Catalog BRAND NEW1 160 page Illustrated Edition. Top Values Coast to Coast from the World's Largest. Recreation, Retirement. Waterfront, Farms, Ranches, Homes, Business Properties. It's FREE! STROUT REALTY, INC.
1222-T East Colonial Dr. Orlando, Fla. 750 A. SOUTH PASCO CO. RANCH $225 per A.
near Land O'Lakes Abt. 4O0 A. hvy. to Argentine Ba-hia, some Pen. Bahia.
Comp. clear, ditched, drained, fenced and X-fenced, pens, dip-vat, C. sheds, big wells, 2-sma. fishing lakes water holes, gd. graded mads thraout.
Vj mi. mam Hwy, frig. Whole ranch tot. 2200 A. about inoo A.
devl. rest top ranch A. Prl. $165 per A. terms arranged.
153-0148 A. M. WASMt'ND 831-5041 ROBIN SON-STARR REALTORS 10 10 20 80 LOTS ea Hillsborough River, casa or terms. 8j3-u822, NEW ultra mod. CB on water.
Trees Acre Plot at Las Coma (Id JIM your trms 257-7731. LAKEi'RONT. 15 minutes from Tampa. Shimming, fehmg. boating.
With 30' trailer, cabana and carport. By owner. 835-7333. LOTS, Rocky Creek channel. Audrey Lane.
From t-juO. Owner. 872-0794 EXECUTIVE lakeview 4 bedroom" brick, double garaee. sunken bath, deluxe features galore. $3,000 below builders cost.
Most aeil. 935-9134. LOTS 50 x2(10' Trout Creek area. $695 each, terms. 935-4188 9354110 1 BEDROOM frame home, large lake.
Close in. Will sell or rent to responsible family. 234-9271 SHADY 100 ft. on Lake Wisteria. Tropical setting.
(o.iuO cash or terms. Call owner, 876-3603. NICE TRAILER LAKE LOT (500 DOW (50 MONTH PHONE 876-9886 BEAUTIFUL vacant lot on King lake. Land O'Lakes. Owner 231-0622 CITRUS Groves lake properties special.
6 large furnished apartments 225x300' on beautiful lake. (35.1X10- Terms. PAUL FORT, BROKER 257-7882 BEAUF. LAKE LOT LET os build a home on it for you. All financing arranged.
RCR Building Corp. 949-4217 JNight z38-1203 4 BEDROOM. 2 bath house oo boating fishing canal, mile to old Tampa Bay. Central heat it air-conditioning. Asking (1.350 down, no closing costs.
8709 Driftwood Drive. 855-1014. VERY large lot on deep 40 acre Lake, tall trees, good swimming- fisning, benool Bus, uaroage collection, paper, mail at door. Small down and monthly payments. Convenient to Tampa.
Dale Mabry to Van Dyke Road, left to the Church, left to 1st house. Mrs. Earl Brown. LAKEFRONT PICTURE SITTING ON YOUR PATIO OVERLOOKING THE LAKE ENJOYING A FISH DIN NER. YOU JUST CAUGHT.
KEYSTONE AREA 100" LAKEFRT. 1 BR, air-cond. Attached gar. rurn. incl.
dish washer, auto, washer It drver. (13.700 terms. See, make offer. GEO. M.
LEWIS Realty 949-1411 BETWEEN 2 LAKES SKI-Swim-Fish-Relax It have Fun! Neat modern CB cottage, rurn. fenced. Barbecue, Table. Dock, Float, Sandy Beach a cool shady place. Keoucea to siz.inio trms.
LAND O' LAKES REALTY 41 N. Ph. 949-1031. 831-2291 BEDROOM, 2 bath, CB, 120x200' lakefront, $17,500. 920-5265.
THE GARDEN LAKE home on your private pen insula, air conditioned oy na ture, 2700 aq. ft. luxurious living. 2H A. mature grove with small CB house, can bo bought sepa rately.
100 FT. lake lot. beautiful excln sive location. 920-2509 Ruby C. Trice 920-2940 KEYSTONE LAKE LAKE frontage 90 2 2 bath home only 4 vrs.
old, LR ant. bnck fireplace, modern kitchen, 2 Lanai, large guest house 24x24 ft. situated on pn vate dead end road. Call 251-1192 or 920-2940. KEYSTONE Lake.
100x250 paved frontage, beach. (775V. 10 oown. 932-5714. BEACH PARK.
104 odd shape large oaks, deep water, $9,000 Call owner 877-4275. LAKEFRONT lot 146 x249' North of Tampa, adjacent nice home, owner. 251-1378. IT'S TIME TO GO SWTMMTNG, SKIING. BOATING HAVE FUN RIGHT FROM YOl OWN BACK YARD.
I have the ideal place 100 ft. on lake, close in, CB home In excellent condition. 3 bedrooms. I baths, living room with fireplace. Urge Florida room, covered patio.
2-car garage. Attractive yard. $28,500. 876-0082 GLADYS GARCIA 932-8881 Rudy Kersey Realtor 4614 Kennedy Blvd. Ph.
877-6038 275' ON dear, cypress lined La Alice. $90 front foot, 425' deep, ail or part. Owner 832-3161. 855-4979. 160' On Beautiful Lake THIS LARGE LOT IS 182 DEEP HAS BEACH AND IS READY TO BUILD ON.
JACK BISHOP REALTY, INC. THIS TODAY" "RIVERFRONT HOME" "4801 RIVERHILLS DR." AN unusual home, Hillsboro River frontage It Hwy. frontage, extra large lot. Home has large Fla. room, 3 terrazzo floors, 4-rar garage, large oaks, home constructed ot Cem.
blocks, rock over blocks, home never lived in it is about 98 completed, an unusual buy on one of the most tropical setting on the river, lot alone would cost $15,000. Located between 56th -St. It 46th St. Interested Ph. 229-2201.
exclusive agents, Hankins Realty. Brick Home 17 Acres 300 FT. ON larRe spring fed lake. 4 acres bearing grove, 4 acres readv to plant. Split level 4 BR, 2 tile baths.
Fla. Liv. Din. kitchen, 3-car garage, sep. living quarters with bath.
barn for horse. Would sell sep arate acres. KeasonaDie financing. MARY HENDERSON 229-9391 Res. 949-4084 Schulstad Huffman MI Realtors Inc.
Mtee. Loans 116 E. Kennedy Blvd. CHOICE LAKE SITE 21 ACRES on large lake with nice trees. Priced at J7do.
terms. 837 3721 Mon 876-3121. RUEL SHUMATE, REALTOR BEAUTIFUL LAKE LOTS EASY TERMS LARGE lots sloping to sand beach with access to large clear Lakes, Paved road to each lot A fine place for a year round Lakefront home Sensibly re stricted for your protection To see them today go North on Dale Mabry (Pass Sun Lake Sign) to intersection with Lutz Lake Fern road, left 500 feet to Blount Road then Right, follow signs, Mr. Schoen will be there to show you or Call z-058 Monday. Kistner Realty Insur.
Realtors 213 E. Lafayette Insurers LAKE MAGDALENE A BEAUTIFUL home In a delightful setting. 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths, double carport, with 100 ft. of Lakefront and 220 ft. deep lot.
JOE ADAMS 223-3671 256-7751 ALSO VERY desirable homesite on Lake Keystone $7,500.00. 1 Leslie H. Blank. Realtor 113 E. John F.
Kennedy Blvd. TOO many features to list $17,500.00 $3,000.00 cash. Owner 855-4820. HOUSE with extra lot. Hillsboro River, Seminole, 2 bedrooms, 2 tile baths, separate dining room spacious living room, Florida room with fireplace.
Large tile porch facing river. Central heat and air conditioning. 4 artesian well. Beautifully landscaped. 4204 Riverside Drive.
By appointment. 000. 233-5201. LAKE Pretty, Gunn Hwy. at Racetrack Road, 95' lakefront by 160', beautiful homesite, Citrus trees, access 5 lakes.
$7,225. $2100 down. 920-5137. RETIREMENT home, new CB com pletely furnished, large lot, $14,500, Terms, owner 932-6063. BY owner.
Custom built, 3 bed room, 2 bath, ranch type home for spacious living. On canal. 836-7271. 120x180' lot on Lake Phone 257-1361. Keystone.
COUNTRY ESTATE LOVELY lakefront brick home srlth 4 BRs 3 car gar. Beau. land- leaping. 300' on lg. lake.
17 acres 4 acres in 10 yr. Navel orange grove. Ral. cleared for pasture or grove. See to appreciate.
For details cull Mr. Wade, Eves It Sun. 949-4150 Glover Fealty 236-5946 Realtor 4814 Nebr. Ave Want Ad Ph. 223-4911 WEST TAMPA 1 BR St.
John Ph. 77-S32S CONSOLIDATE your bills Into one bill, also repairs to your nouse. Call Mr. Irving. 258-5151.
2 3 PR HOMES oa Ige. Iota close to bus, stores schools. Small dn. pymt. Hal.
like rent For more info call Mr Nelsol SCAGLIONE bKOS. fitALTY 2502 18th St. Ph. 248-5802 HOMES FOR SALE. LOW DOWN LOW MO.
248-6111 ROOM house, large lot. Small down payment. 311 W. Park. 225-2514 evenings.
NORTHVIEW HILLS STREETS cut in, construction started, models open, at 47th 4r E. Chelsea. Now is the time to choose your home in a beautifully shaded orange grapefruit grove. Ixw down payments low monthly payments ED L. BOLDING CONST 626-5528 Phones 935-7657 3-BR FRAME HOME AT 3212 McBerry St.
Kit. equipped. new paint, new floors, large screened family rm. Nice trees. $6950, $600.
$65 Mo. No qualifying, no closing costs Call owner anytime, s.o-ztrtJ $500 DOWN, new 3 bedroom home. Carver City, rnone 256-3'jaK 3614 E. CARACAS NICE 2 BRs in excellent condi tion, HA price $7900. 5io own.
Call Bill Reilly, 223-3785; res. 252-228L L. B. MeSWAIN, REALTOR No Qualifying, Move In BR, dining rm. kit.
equipped. screened porcn. 3212 E. McBERRY Peter Paul Buyvid, Bkr. 932-99H 4 BEDROOM asbestos house.
$200 down, $60 month. 247-1783. 3203 E. McBERRY New 3 BR CB. 5119 32nd St.
Frame house duplex. Trade. 626-5300. 231-9892. 3204 E.
McBERRY, like new 2 BR. terrazzo scrn. porch no qualifying. $500 dn. 832-6963.
J. C. REALTY 920-5448 2 BEDROOM CB house. 2702 14th Ave. tasy terms for qualified buyer, call 877-3650 or 229-0659.
3 BEDROOM block house. Terrazzo floors, all tile bath. Lot auxiuo. Reeves fence, fruit trees. Small down payment, easy terms.
Sea afternoon. 3710 E. wuoer. NEAR SEARS CLEAN 4 1 bath, furnished. $3500 total pnee.
$500 dwn, $00 month. NICE MODERN HOME. Garage, fenced. 25 orange trees. Total low nrice $5500.
$600 down. $68 month, 3 GOOD SIZE bedroom, cement block, clean, fenced, shade, gar den. $7500 total. $1000 down. $50 month.
Call Mr. Chapman any time. 877-7621. or 876-5438. Ed Brown, Realty.
3602 Henderson Blvd. REDUCED for QUICK SALE Choice Belmont Hgts. Location Vacant Lot 55x101 Ft. (4904 32nd ST.) Frank Morgan, Realtor Residence Phone J76-2703 106 S. Armenia Ave.
Ph. 253-0301 507 S. MOODY (M.L. 6922) SPLENDID opportunity to buy a very well constructed 2-story frame home with an additional lot available, for a very conservative price. BIGGAR BIGGAR, REALTORS Ph.
876-6938 Swann MacDill "YOU CAN BUY" THIS 2 BR (can be 3 BR) with LR, sep. din. bath, Ige. front porch, floor furnace, deep well pump, elec. range, hot water heater, on 2 lots near Civic Center, transportation and shopping for only $6800, $400 $56 Mo.
MRS. CADENHEAD 229-9391 Res. 234-1903 Schulstad Huffman Realtors Inc. Mtge. Loans 116 E.
Kennedy Blvd. OPEN HOUSE TODAY 2 TIL 5:30 2204 E. BUFFALO LOW DOWN payment. Brand new, CBS, 3 on nome. Bin-in range and oven, oil heating, tile bath, carport, utility room.
TO BUY SELL BUILD OR RENT R. T. BROD, REALTOR 1701 Nebraska Ave. ph. 229-2261 REMODELED duplex.
$1000 down or car as down payment. Zi WANT AD. Ph. 223-4911 17 Income Business Property LET FIRST Federal of Tampa finance your commercial buildings. Ph.
228-7551. STORES office Dale Mabrv also West Shore. JOHN TAAFFE REALTOR, 832-4024 3420 S. Dale Mabry. 14 UNIT brick apt.
building $10,000 gross on $12,500 dn. write r.u. Box 14351. 100' ON Buffalo near new hospital suitable for doctors offices, apartments or stores call 988-6532 or 876-8709 Brown Waldeck Inc. FLA.
Ave. frontage, S. of Appex Nr, access to Hwy 75. Sell or lease. Call 949-1010.
COLORED rental property, $19,500. $220 monthly income. 2505 N. Albany. 3-APARTMENT house for sale or lease.
Good income, Wear town, schools. 626-1345. WARNER GRABLE Realtor Appraiser DUPLEX, Palma Ceia. 2 bedrooms each side, masonry. Low down payment.
Phone 872-0263. 1409 E. BROADWAY COMMERCIAL Bldg. in Ebor City. Business center.
35 ft. frontage with parking In rear. Real good buy. Cash or terms. Ph.
248-2568. Fernandez fc Garcia Realtors DOCTOR'S DENTIST'S HAVE 2 CB on 77x145' C-l lot, Nebraska Ave. No. of Hills. boro.
For price terms call-Glover Realty 236-5946 235-2824 REALTOR 4814 Nebraska Ave. 3-UNIT apartment, For sale or rent. 212 E. Park. 231-3561.
Sell-Trade- Apts-Commercial DAVE LUDWICK, REALTOR Ofc. 229-8935 Res. 877-3897 3 HOUSES on 100x98' lot. Located near Nebraska Ave. Priced for quick sale.
Call M. S. Hankins, Broker. 229-3103. NORTHSIDE! 180 FT.
fronting on busy Florida Ave. large store building, this property contains over 75,000 sq, feet, beautiful trees, and a live stream of water on back of prop' ert.v. $12,000 down bal. terms, 935-1101 Mr. Davids 935-2881 PALMER REALTY 7929 Armenia Nursing home $46,800 yr LONG estab.
masonry home. A-l cond. Spac. grounds. Licensed for 20 patients.
18 there now at $50 wk. Elderly owner retiring. $70,000. Nets $15,369 yr. on on.
Nursing home $38,766 yr TAMPA New cond. 19 beds (16 00, cupied) Present gr. $32,286 yr. Steal $26,500. Nets $6218 on $8000 dn.
Vacant beds at $180 mo Total $64110 would increase net to yr. Room to expand on corner lot 100x200. Mr. Whealton. 877-6015.
8 fur apt $440 mo $18,000 W. HYDE Pk. Nr. bus, stores. AU BR apts.
Sep. meters, new rool. $3047 on $3000 dn. Red Brick dplx $1500 dn NR. No.
Blvd. Col. Dr. New cond. Ea side 2 BR unfur wkit.
equip. Scr. 2 car Rents $150 mo. $14,500. Mtg.
$100 mo. incl. 6. 877-6015 MR. DREW 2.54-3943 Frank Whealton, Bkr, Office 877-6015 res.
689-3640 607-A S. MacDill Avej MULLINS Rd. 3 bedroom house lr 32' trailer on 190x145' lot. Income $140 month. $12,500, $1400 equity.
932-9810. PROP on U.S. Rd-river. Inc. bU.
Pred dbl value i yrs. Ideal Tr. Pk-Marina-Deluxe Rest. 677-5798. 3611-13 South Dale Mabry properly 2 stores apt.
See owner at 1104 Franklin. NEW AIR COND APT NEAR NEW MAAS PLAZA $19,000 yearly gross, good Bet. 872-9331 John White 255-0591 REALTY EXCHANGE INC 330 FT. ZONED C-l THIS commercial property w-mod-ern CB line brick home by U. So.
Fla. for sale. Cash or terms. Call owner 248-2568. ATTRACTIVE red brick, 3 unit, with one 3 bedroom apartment for owner.
$16,000 with $3500 down. Open, 8018 Brsnch Ave. I HARD UP FOR MONEY C-l NORTH Florida Ave. $80 fr. it.
Vortfl $125 500 ft. available. Adjacent property sold recently for $100 to $150 fr. ft. LAWRENCE E.
RROrm.F Res. S49-1061 Ofc. 251-1160 Keune Keune REALTORS A MO 251-1160 236 E. Davis Blvd. WIDOW'S OPPORTUNITY for se curity.
4 spic and span units, $2mo $150 month. Recover $5,000 investment in just over 1 yr. Income $500 month reported. STUCCO 2 BR UMTS Palma Ceia nr. Bayshore.
Make offer this fine property. H. J. TIOWARD. 228-7344, R.
C. RILTuN. Realtors, 1st Natl Bank Bldg. THOUSANDS RELY on Classified ads in solving daily problems. To sell, rent, buy, hire, Phone 223-4911.
18 Commercial-Industrial DOWNTOWN PROPERTY E. C. HILTON. INC. REALTORS 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg.
228-7344 Prime Motel Location Approx. 245'x600 JUST 3 blocks south of Tampa's new Expressway on Dale Mabry. this desirable tract has already attracted the interest of 2 major oil companies and restaurants, but needs the addition of a motel, as well. Zoned C-2. Will sell entire tract, part or lease.
Exclusive listing CaU JOHN S. MITCHELL 223-3671 LESLIE H. BLANK Realtor 115 E. John F. Kennedy Blvd.
C-l ZONED. 4 lots plus 5 Rm. frame house. Drew Park. $15,000.
Terms. Herbage. Bkr. 877-1424. SACRIFICE C-2 lot 238 W.
Hillsboro 1st. Lot W. of Highland. Make otter, call owner 988-3513. COMMERCIAL property for sale by owner.
2 big lots, house. 1607 3rd Ave. 246.7901 weekends. Choice Commercial ZONED M-l close in 255' PLUS 12W aq. ft.
warehouse. 225 FEET Gandy Blvd. corner. zoned c-z. Very choice.
FLORIDA AVE close In Zoned C-2 a steal at $17,500. has income over month. 165 650 Zoned C-l Dale Mabry. 156 FEET Nebraska Ave PLUS large building $24,500.00. 876-2916 Mr.
Scully 876-3121 KUtL SHUMATE, REALTOR 5 ACRES commercial property on s. 19, New Kichey. Sell or trade for late model boat. Give or take difference. Brokers please note.
Carsan, 2624 Middle River ur. ort Lauderdale, Florida. LIGHT IND. RR FRONT C-3 S.E. SEC.
w308' on RR 345 Pvd. St. 441' deoth. $10,000. H.
S. Prince Realty Ph. 248-1350 WARNER GRABLE Realtor Appraiser BUSINESS corner C-l. See owner at 612 S. Dale Mabry.
BUILD to suit, or sell. All or part. sou- on rietcner istn. zoned C-2. Also good corner.
150x150 Booming area. 935-1974. Prestige Location ON J. F. KENNEDY BLVD.
Dale Mabry, 700' 500' 2 mi. no. of Carrollwood. Murdock Realty, 9907 Fla. Ave.
935-3995 or 232-5431. 6 C-2 LOTS (1.18 acres) on Clark St. between South Crest. Vi blk. from new Post Office In Drew Park.
876-3367. LET FIRST Federal of Tampa finance your commercial buildings. Ph. 228-7551. FOR SALE LEASE OR RENT AN INDUSTRIAL BUILDING LOCATED IN PLANT CITY INDUSTRIAL PARK 4,000 sq.
ft. 10' ceiling, cement block, built up roof, overhead warehouse doors. One acre of land. Located V4 mile from Plant City, convenient to roads U.S. 60 and Interstate 4.
Adjacent to airport. Will consider all offers. Call Plant City 752-6161, ask for Mr, Rickert. LAKELAND Industrial Tract adjoins Kraft Foods, approx. 18 A.
Highway RR frontage, $80,000. JOHN J. BRENNAN, REALTOR 124 W. Main Lakeland, Fla. 2 ACRES nr.
Expwy. 40th St. 2Qc sq. ft. or lease.
253-5982. LEASE OR SELL approx. 1 acre DALE MABRY Near Tampa Elect. 876-7391 Owner 872-9331 ESTATE MUST be settled. Corner lot.
Armenia Ave. Zoned C-2. Make me an offer. Brad Gasqua Res. 876-0169 Bee Realty Inc.
HILTON. INC. REALTORS 1st NatT Bank Bldg. Ph. 228-7344 WEST HILLSBOROUGH, 9000' warehouse or shop with about 3 A of land.
For sale or lease, all or part. Commercial. J. D. BRANDON 876-9825 Chas.
W. Clewis, Realtor, 224-1211 FINANCE OFFICE Central AC heat. Attractive, modern, and top location. Adequate parking. 2000 sq.
ft. office space. Can be leased or bought for $4,500 down. See 1201 W. Hillsborough and call ED COR-REIA, 228-7344, for more details.
R. C. HILTON, Realtor. 1st Natl. Bank Bldg.
ESTUARY Piatt St. comer Meridian, Ellamae It Railroad, ph. 223-4731. CYPRESS ST. 300 FT.
TO DALE MABRY HWY. ONLY $6,250 per lot C-2 termi. 872-9331 John Munz 876-7391 REALTY EXCHANGE INC. 14 25 4901 WAIST 2r-30" 13 Suburban Brandon 3 BR, 1 bath CB home. Screened- in porch, patio, spacious yard.
End of deadend street. 2 blks from school, L. ball park, city park. Sturdy 2-story 6 gun territory fort in yard makes this ideal for family with boys. 606 Clay Ct.
PH. AN OLD 3 R. HOME on 2 ac shaded by huge oaks and overlooking a small, spring fed lake, in the Limnna section of Brandon for lust $14,750 assume a $10,600 mtg at aeu. mo. rial tasn 3 BED RM on about Mi ac in Mango (just north of Brandon) 2 R.
(Recently added) are unfinished inside chain link fence around prop a steal at $6,000. 2 BEDRM HOME on 2H acres double Rd. frontage Large shade trees 1 mile south of Brandon $14,750 Terms Arr. YOUNG YOUNG REALTORS Brandon office 689-3251 $100 DOWN 570 MO. 3-BR, CB in nice area.
We have several to sell quickly. A NICE WATERFRONT! NEW 4-BR, 2 bath cent. AC, dbL gar. uniy 22.9no, terms. EXCLUSIVE AREA! FINE 3-BR, 2 bath, dbl.
Fla. cent. AC. Only $19,900 4 BEDRROMS $8,750 PLUS some furnishings. PLUS tree use of adj.
9 acre pasture. FOR BETTER BRANDON BUYS Call ANN MUSKIN 689-234 PALMER REALTY 689-2101 2 HIGH acres, small house and building. $6500.00 dwn. Take car part payment. Box 581-Z.
St. Cloud Ave. South Valrico. THE SIMPLE WAY to fill vacant rooms, apartments, houses, anything! Ph. 223-4911.
Dover 3 BEDROOM home, large lot, paved road, assume mortgage, 677-1888. Land O'Lakes OWNER, 100x280 lake frontage. Call 949-1800. Oldsmar SPACIOUS Spanish type 6 bedroom home, 3 baths, double garage with apartment. 2 fireplaces.
855-1145. Palm River NICE large modern 2 bedroom home, like new. Large- lot, plenty closet cabinet space. $7500, E-Z Terms. Vacant.
Owner 16th Ave. S. 58th St. 626-6822. Ruskin All Ruskin area properties W.
Good trms. AUBREY MOORE, Broker 689-4110 14 Beach PwpertlM Clearwater NICE store next 7-11, Mandalay Blvd. Ample parking. Rent $125 mo. lampa 229-2159.
Indian INDIAN Rocks Beach lots. Owner, 832-4024, Tampa. Indian Rocks Beach SOUTH Shore beach lots for sale. Phone 253-3074, Tampa. Redington Beach DUPLEX, must sell due to illness, make offer or will trade.
876-2908. Treasure Island BATHING beach only 200'! Charming 2 bedroom, completely furnished. Only $8500. Louise Cole, Realtor 360-5431, Day-Night. GULF FRONT HOME ONLY $400 DOWN SUMMER VACATION-WINTER INCOME 2 BR, Fla.
rm, completely furn, exc. cond. Room to add income nnit. Now selling for land value of $24,000. CHECKERBOARD REALTY 13030 Gulf Blvd.
391-4434 Maderla Beach DON'T LET "In The Way Things" old outboard motors, unused sports equipment, out grown baby furniture, toys, tools, etc. LEAD YOU A DOG'S LIFE. Sell them quickly and easily with a Tribune-Times want ad. Ph. 223-4911 direct line to results.
3 13 Suburban BUILDING LOTS 100x125" w'lake priv. Lutt $1500 120xl00" hd. rd. Lutz $2000 145x165' off Dale Mabry $2000 88x150' on canal. Lutz $3850 R.
H. STONE. BROKER Ofc. S49-4687 LUTZ Res. 949-4183 MANGO FORCED to sell, leaving tows.
15 lots with large 2 bedroom frame house. Also 2 bedroom frame for rental income. $6000, $500 down, balance monthly. 877-2991. 2 It 3 bedroom masonry homes.
With terrazzo floors, full tile baths, built-in range oven, small down low monthly payments. 18 year mortgage. 9B8-1761. NORTHSIDE. 1 acre.
3 BR home. Barn, citrus. $1500. 932-6FW0. M.
L. HERRLNG, REALTOR 3 BR, 2 bath CB. Screen Ige. Storage carport. $100 mo.
248-9163. 2'i ACRES, cor. 58th St. 20th Ave. S.
Palm River, $4250 cash. House acre fenced. Modernized. $8500. $3000 dn.
256-6751. $45 DOWN-S45 MONTH 2 BR FRAME, elec. pump, School dus, stores. HOTS. 3922 w.
Hamilton. 3 blks. W. of Dale Mabry, N. of Sligh.
935-0525. 8 ACRES, 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, brick front, white tile roof. Screened patio with fireplace. Broken quarry tile floor. Double carport.
Central air and heat. Circular drive. $32,500. Consider trade. 988-1283.
OWNER. Six Mile Creek area. 6 room frame. Electric range, built-in cabinets. CB garage.
Excellent condition. On 3 lots with chain link fence. 626-2529. THE SIMPLE WAY to fill vacant rooms, apartments, houses, anything! Ph. 223-4911.
Iraadoa FOR BEST buys; homes home- sites; mobile homes restricted trailer lots; call: W. W. Rausch, BKr. 669-3930 or 689-2306. $100 DOWN LIKE new 3 CB hom*o.
Car- ort, tile bath, elec. kitchen, Ige. ot. Balance less than rent. Call for key at 205 S.
Kingsway. Ph. 689-1217. BRANDON IS BEST li FOR better Brandon buys In most anything In real estate see W. K.
Butts. Bkr. on 60 689-2717 JUST LOVELY IS THE WAY EVERYONE de scribes Edenwood. BIG lhady iota only $2500. WHAT A BUY SOUND, comfortable 3 BR 2 CBS huge lot.
Only $11,000 $2000 dn. MANY other flno hom*o buys, selected sites. Mr. Roberts Ph. 689-2514 W.
K. Butts, Bkr. on 60 689-2717 3 BEDROOMS. Plantation Estates. $300 equity.
Take over payments ot sm mo. can be seen Monday. 689-4891. HOMES, lots, business property. acreage, citrus groves, looker Realty 689-3926 Res.
689-1345. "DRIVE OUT AND SEE THIS 3 BR. 2 bath air cond home, large lot in Brandon 3 most beautiful area. Also choice lots available, Terms. From Tampa 1st light turn right on Parsons Ave.
2 miles to Oaklan Subdivision. E. R. Jordan Bkr. 689-3720, 252-9891 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, cement tile root.
Only $14,500. 689-1858. MOD. 3 BR CB. $9700.
$350 dn LG homesite 160x140' $2395 NEW luxury 3 BR, 2 $15,750 2 ACRES wooded $3500. W. H. BILLINGS, Broker 689-4107 3 CB. Brick on paved St.
good location. Only $10,300. $500 dn. CaU Wilbur Brantley. Res.
689-1396. SPECIAL Only six VA Ac. homesites. $2950 ea. Good terms.
W. W. RAUSCH, BROKER Office: 689-3930 Hwy. 60, Brandon Outstanding Home IN Brandon's best section; 3 Br. 2 bath.
Fla. rm. Screen porch. On large oak shaded lot. BOB JONES.
233-3971, 872-0145 LEDO REALTY 3202 N. Howard BY owner, almost new Everina home. 2 Bedroom, built-in kitchen. Large lot. $500 down, $77 mo.
920 Skyview Dr. 689-1523 after 6 p.m. weekdays. 2 2-BR Home, Grove 5 BIG bath. Oil heat, air-cond.
57 Pine. Orgs. 9 GF, 14 yrs. 3" well. $18,000.
$2000 $100 mo. 877-6015 Bess Whealton 689-3640 F. Whealton, Bkr 607-A S. MacDill UNUSUAL NEW HOMES, neering completion. Come to Kingsway Garden Subdivision.
RAGSDALE CONST. CO. INC. 689-3115 OR 689-1327 EVERINA 3 bedrooms 2 bath. Corner lot $600 down.
689-1683. LOTS 100x170 feet, $1500. up on John Moore Rd. Also acre lots. $2600 up.
Owner 689-4686 BEAUTIFUL 4 bedroom. 2 bath, brick with dressing room, unbelievable closet space, foyer, tremendous Family room, formal room, living room, paneling, bookcases, Intercom, large screened porch, tile roof, double garage, tastefully decorated to suit the discriminating buver. G. Allen Yung. Builder.
Developer. 689-2627. 3 BEDROOM home; 5 Acres of land in Brandon area. Call 689-4100. 121 SANDRA Ave.
A secluded, quiet location, yet close In. Beautiful trees large lot. See this distinctive new home today. Under $15,000, conventional financing. 1 blk.
N. of Rt. 60, 2 blks. E. of Kingsway.
689-2103. RETIRE here Furn. 2 BR frame home. Sep. gar.
wworkshop. lMi A. bearing citrus grove for added Income. Close to Like store) $10,500, terms. DOROTHY NEUBATTER A.
H. ZirCLFB, I'C, 689-3003 k'tchen, rwnr 92-3. wilt JFlBW' IK' st '4iansM.