TIIK SYDNEY "MOlfNTXr! HERALD, MONDAY, OrTOHFR mi. 11 prt.i. la only 63 tba amount or caah riMlsed will bo 10.400,000. anna it, by wlilch time prices muat advance, Jute will be very much mora expensive 'AUSTRALIAN MONETARY AND THE "HERALD" MAP. KXTKNHIVK FLUCTUATION'S MARKS The eerlousneHS at tha Doiltion of tha mark lias been perceived by the peopU at Urge in uurmuny, and so at to get as much aa possible for their Dresftnt naah holrllnv theT are rushing the shops and laying In stocks against further fall.
Aa far am ran ffathirad (ItnUike HI, ffcitfriitll A'i, White llrt'iinan flvo (or 11, ilutii.lirle four for iU). KvelelRh, 111 and four for 42 (Moore 23, Mandiall I IS; baiickni wren for kO, Hioniai tbre for li). wudey, 44 (Farr 16; l-rniO three for SO, J. Ivenier' two for A. UTewler two iv Si.
Wortley uur tof 211). TlillSnflva Kj'buw WaW. (no aaven lor 17, Johnatoa two (or 12. Walron torea for 4, Tannin (our (or 1). Tenipe.
1WJ (H. Keela S8, B. Keep 80; Fotter thr for 12, B. keep three tor 85, Koela two (or 14, Blood two (or 6), BL Petera, 73 (J. Lawter 14, Thorpe lit; Garland fire (or SI, J.
Lttwler (our for Thorpe one 'lor 21). Bydenbam United, and none (or 80Tfilwcou 18, Jordan 18; Gray two (or Jordan (our (or 19, Manning three for IS), W. A. Gnihb, 88 (Wurrad 20, Warner iu naiiBLuait Him jwt 4U. iiarua, si ror -vo, Clyde, 447 (Howe 87, IbnrJck 87, Uooley Wj Barker three (or 2, Father three (or 24, Howell three for 19, Uurli tLa 24 bonra atnlwl at 1 ij.ui.
Stury tint crntre u( ttie rxten iv blgb pressure, wbii-h on Saturday morning luy over and about TtutuiinU, bui altered iu burUomal aia to one which now liea in a north to aoutb direction. It la now aituated over the Taauian from a perusa! of th, Bn8lisb pailer. KUaSffmffi.H?? that the contemplated tariff lr. mam rauaca for tba fall In thn mark ara the coat of obtalnlog creijtt fin dollars) ia New York for the purpoae of making reparation PaymentB and the large lasuea of additional currency made In order to balance tha budget. With every freah Issue of currency prtcea are dragged upwards.
Beyond this, nowever, is the faot that people who had speculated In mark are now cutting their tuB.en uiere were some in Australia and tbey are wanting to get out at practically any SETTLING While large sums are advanced by tbe Commonwealth to the States for aettlfn aoMlara on the land It ia often overlooked that it la ui7 one ior 10J), iOBcora uenim, izi ioeennKe nui 01 laauiama. ai-46, M'Laan 80 not out; Byrne three lot 12, Beveridg tending thit change, tut three (or 84, Ellli two for 28). weather 00 the coaat and xancnnariit Avoca, 8 and 45 (uieeaoo tnraa tor Baiter four for 71. ftriue. three far 28).
Maerot. 141 (How 69, Boaley 20 not out, Gilbert CO; Uoiley lis for 8, Brown three (or 8, Gilbert eight (or 29, uaromtT one aor o). Aanneio, ivo (A. wood 37, w. turner ore ior wood iree for 1.
IRONMONGER 6 WICKETS FOR 13 a- i i lmaUhe. wan concluded to fine, dull weather. Tbe wickets wero good, but nevertheless some bowlD "corned. Wcstarn Boborbs beat Uurickrllle by It nam on tha ont toning North beat Mosman by I wtdteta'and a run a S'SSH jSHwiE Paddinatoa bent Srdoer bv 4a nine on the Ant Innings. Cordon and Randwlck dmr, Ulebe and untversttv arew.
Balmain beat St. Qeom bv 10 vtckeU and 149 run. on tti. first Inalnga. UATTIHU.
O. Wheatley fOalmain), not out, 18a. O. Acb.irch ruandwlck), 103. (1.
Morgan (Glebe), ti. H. B. Lov. (Balmain), 80.
K. V. arowa (Central Cumberland), not out, (S. W. Cbapman (Hosman), 72.
J. Tiurlor (Ooroon), 72. K. Oleeson (Manly), 09. O.
Thomas (Waverley), 61. I. Beit (Gentral Oumberlond), 90. BOWLING. J.
Ironmonger (Balmain), six for 18. Fombers (Waverley), six lor 34, and three for 6. P. Aaher (Sydney), six for 77. C.
Prott (Mosman), ire (or 29. I). Ruadl (MarriokvUle), fire for 40. O. Clemenger (Wertern BuDorbs), four for 10.
W. Dight (Western Suburbs), three for a. U. a. Heaslein (Unrveniity), two for 7.
COMPRTITION TABLE. FIRST OIUDK. EAfiTEKN LISTBIOT. nox art; Lennox fiva for 29, 11. Westbrook two for 82, on the northern table-Uouthy one (or 11, W.
Westbrook one for 11). landa. At 9 a.ra. on Satur William Oane, 24 and three (or 88 (BrigKf 29; North- day it waa etijl threaten cote tlx (or 19, Arthur one for 1, Frost two (or 10), Id tboae regiotu, and 48 (Hudson 22, Whaley five tor 10, O. Heay 1 ahowera were being ex-four for 12).
perienced at Manning iiai mac wuuvn run Ding almuet parallel with our ooatf and tba coat oignianoa or ew South Wslee be came cloudy and unsettled and light rain waa re comma, out cnieny ccti- irai pane, una or two thundermbowera oocuiTed ueeoa and on trie Blue Mountain. But the set of coastal denroisiona re sponsible for the rain was gradually working away off the North Cort, and as rtfpfcted on the chart, the rear isobars of the system have assumed that vertical trend (governing a warm northerly wind circulation), which Is suggestive of later cloudy and unsettled developments in expected that these eumB will be repaid by was very limited, and prices wbleh were the settlers. Already a start has been exceedingly firm throughout closed 6 per cent, made. Compared with the total spent the above 'the opening rates. Best oouxeds be-amount repaid is small, hut still it Is a 6 to 10 per cent, higher.
A few bales of beginning, and with the years will grow, lambs' wool were offered There was a Probably some amount will be lost, since It good demand at full opening rates. Greasy 1b Improbable that among bo many settlers orossbreda appreciated towards the finish, there will not be some failures, but as soon 'and at the close, values were 16 per cent, as the settlements become reproductive we above tbe September closing rates. Slipe and wfaoT WITHER. "Sfclc 71 thrtannatmnltf mham thus r-- a.B. rs antvgjts apvgpiaaj- 1 tifMtma WM' Ma KHp I rrnbteStms Cloudy SrfCalj tuny expect to see a steady repaymect were nrm, snort sort Deing 10 per Prlnea Alfred Orutda, 235 (Wright 60 not out, Homer-1 ville 5L Wurmen 4ii: Wriaht keven for IftL O'Neill three for 80), Newtown School ot Ana, 08 and one for 1 (DaUey five for 73, Matthews four for 82).
Third Grade. Crovdon. 258 fB. Swlnbourue iV5 D. Swinhnnrne 47.
T. Swlnboume 85, Brown 81, M'Mahon 2o; B. Swin-bourne three for 7, D. Swlnbourne two (or 13, Brown one for 0), Enfield, six for 33 (Morrow three for 21, ijiiason iout ior us, iee two ior ui. Newtown Druids, 93 (Bennett 20, Paris 17; Walker seven (or 21.
Bennett six for 32). It event. 57 and eight for 86. Concord West, 103 and none ior so (uwwariune sv, Rneesby 86: Morphett three for 9, Vial (our (or 3d), Strathfield United, 109 (Reeves 78; H'Hugh six (or 43, Rcevea three for 20). South Strathfield, 100 (Guest 36 not out; Moore one for 42, Oangie two for 62), Afihtleld, three (or 201 (nveua not out, wynne i not out, rrjme at; Brown three for 19, Wynne three for 32), Gold'a Knlttirs Milld.
46 (Wales two for Lowder four for 14, Deebla two for 15, Edwards two (or one), Sydenham six (or 172 (Deeble 44 not out, L. Dunn 20 not out, F. Dunn 44). Soldiers, 67 and 85 (Meroney 29, M'Cormack 20-, nnuaa ihaaa rnr 0 WC nrm a fit twn tor 1H. H.
HflTdftf Tour (or 39), Summer Bill lona, 189 (J. Lee 67, Hut- ton 26, yuon uane vieu six ior oo, notion three for 27). Pete mh am, 8S and six for 54 (Scott 17 Thompson six for 16), Tempo Kiora, 68 seven for 8 and three for 17, Crockett one for 6,, Donovan one for 10). Kelly 20; Kiin five for 62, Simpson three for 21, Lennon two for 87), Enmore. Wantflh.
134 fFoster 42. Booth 24: Foster four for 51, Swain one for 24), Granville, seven for 161 (liOtnnKln nox out, wuiuuni iimw six for 47, Chapman three for 67). Auburn, 66 and one for 27 (Young 20, Stlnson 17 not out; Evans five for 34, Rhearer three for 20), Lid-combe. 83 (Fardell 21. Price 15; Matthews four for iu.
'paiiitaL New South Wales, but of a different character to those recently experienced. 1 hese isohars, diminishing in value from 30.3 Inch on the coast westward, over the mainland, to the line, which runs from tba Territory, southward to the Central Bight. Farther westward, in nortnern parts of Western Australia, is a tropical closed curve; and over the Western Bight, an Antarctic depression Is situated. No definite weather is yet in evidence anywhere over Australia, hut heat and sul trine.) (with the northerly wind element) are om standing features, which, later, should culminate in some thundery ruin. Prcaeiit Indications in our Slate, however, favour some further showers on the central and north uo.ut; otherwise general lv fin, warm, and sultry, with gradually increasing cloudiness.
Northerly winds generally, freshening later, but still fresh and squally 8B on the North Coast. Explanatory. The numbers giving the value of the isobars are ''millibars," a new unit now nnlveraaliy used in observations connected with the upper air. The millibar is the one-thousandth part of a "bar," which differ little from the standard atmosphere represented by a column of mercury 20.93 Inches long: in (act, standard atmospheric pressure is represented by 1019.3 millibars, thus the deviation from standard conditions may be easily read on the chart Ocean Forecast Moderate to strong north-westerlies over Southern Ocean areas during next 46 hours; fresh to strong squally SE to east1 winds on parts of Queensland coast, with rough seas. W.
W.l L.I. D. Pta. Karth Sdnej 3 a Waverley 2 1 7 Moenaa 1 1 16 Paddtagtoa 1 1 IS lUndwitk 1 1 1 Sydney 1 lie Gordon 1 2 5 Manly 3 WESTERN DISTRICT. W.
W.L L. Lsl. D. Pta. UnirersItT 2 18 Balmain 2 1 7 Western Suburbs 2 1 7 Marrlckvtlle 1 1 I Cumberluatl 1 1 16 Clebe 1 2 6 St.
Georg. 1 2 6 Peterabain 2 1 8, (Mealev 90. Frost n' oaoh year. Details of advances made to the mates anu advances made direct by tbe Commonwealth to soldiers settling in Federal territories show that the total amount advanced to June 30, 3921, waa 26,693,046, and repayments amounted to 166,631. Advances and repayments according to States and territories aro: ADVANCES FOR SOLDIER SETTLEMENT, Advances.
BepAyments. New South Wales Victoria Queensland couth Australia Western Australia Tasmania Papua Northern Territory Federal capital territory' 30,802,362 2,079,451 S.A00 10,495 8.12C 90,762 11.4&.1 9,179 19,161 1,853 Total 20,893,046 Another phase of settling soldiers is the purchase and erection of houses for them In tbe cities and towns. Up to Juno 30 last 12,316,360 was expended Id the acquisition of land and the erection of dwellings, and repayments of principal by the soldiers amounted to 646,279. Ii Is only natural that tho repayments on account of homes should be initially larger thau for land settlement, since the homes are reproductive from the time they are occupied, while the land may take some years to become reproductive. VICTORIAN TRADE.
The trade returns of Victoria for the quarter ended September 30 are not as favourable as those of New South Wales. They show, with heavy reductions both of imports and exports, a larse excess of imports over exports In tbe later period. A comparison Is as follows: Three Mouths (July-August). 1020. 1021.
Decrease. Import ..8,271,135 4 porta 8,271,135 2,790,418 On a much smaller total tho decrease in Imports Is only slightly less than the decrease shown by New South Wales, and the decrease In exports is much greater than that shown by this State. New Soutb Wales Imports decreased 46 per cent. Victorian Imports doc reaped 64 per cent. PRICE? OP GOLD.
The Gold Producers' Association reports that tbe London quotation for gold on October 28 was 10410 per oz fine, an increase of 6 since October 25. At this price SM dollars would be the equlvalont ot 1. Consult a solicitor. FINANCIAL CABLES. THE COMMONWEALTH LOAN.
LONDON. Oct. 2S The Commonwealth 6 per cent, loan of 5,000,000, Issued at 9C, ts quoted at 76 discount. D. AND W.
MURRAY, LIMITED. The report of D. and W. Murray, Limited, for tho vear ended Julv 19. shows a loss on the year of 38,672, which has been extinguished by a transfer from the special reserve, It is estimated that the refund of the Excess Profits Duty will be 125,000, out of which the year's dividend of 10 per cent, free of tux, will he provided, and a sum ot 38,672 Dlaced to the special reserve to reinstate me WEATHER." REPORTS.
t- Gunnedab, 4ft Pin; Hay, 10ft; HUUton, 7(t; Utirh, rSMt 4ln, Menindie, 27ft flin; Mogil Mogll, 12ft Moulamein, 12ft Sin; Mungindl, 16ft 2 in: Nar landera, 14ft 6in; Pooncarie, 24ft 6in, Tocuinwal, 16ft 2in; Wagga Waggm, flft llin; Wentworth, 3(t Jin; Wilcannia, 22ft loin; Yetman, 6ft flin, Barwon River at Walgett, 31ft 4fn; Namoi River at Walgeu, 23ft. Note. rising; falling; stationarv; 1, low. COASTAL REPORTS AT 9 P.M. Manning Headn, NE, fresh, fine, clear, moderate; Port Stephens, NE, strong, cloudy, slight; Newcastle, strung, line, clear, sliftht; South Bead, NE, light, fine, btuy, sea slight; Wollongong, HM, moderate, refill, fine, hazy, sea slight- Kiamu, NE, moderate, hazy, sea slight; Moruvu, NE, fresh, sea moderate; Eden, NNE, dull, Bea slight; Grafton, NE, light, fine, smooth.
FORECAST FOR NEW WALES AT 0 P.M. Warm to hot ant aultty conditions, culminating in scattered rain and thunderstorms, chiefly In tbe central and southern districts; squally north-east to north-west winds beimr renlaced bv cool south -west south-east winds, bringing some showers to paru tbe coast, INTERSTATE RAINFALL. (For the 24 hours ended at 9 a.m. Saturduy.) Queensland. Thursday Inland 3 points, Port Douglas 11, Calms Western Australia.
Geraldton 2 points, Ku tanning Albany 12, Breaksea 15, Esperai.ee 19, Eyre 2, Yalgoo 13, Knlgoorlie 8. Islands. Noumea (New Caledonia) 8 points, ASTRONOMICAL MEMORANDA FOR OCT. 31. Bud rises 4.67, seta 6.21; Moon, 6-1 a.m., 6.38 p.m.; Mercury, 4.58 a.m., fl.23 p.
Venus, 3.67 a.m., 4. Sfl p.m.; Mars, 3.U a.m., 8.3 p.m.; Jupiter, 3.41 a.m., 3.67 p.m.; Saturn, 3.32 a.m., 3.84 p.m. High water nt Fort Denison, 8.17 a.m., b.iii p.m. New, moon this day at 9.30 a.ni. for Sydney: Allvn Rh'er.
Coweain bah, for Port. Stephens; Burwoli, s. Hot-art, Wear. s. for Melbourne: Caniira.
for south: Ash ridge, for Fremantle and Albany; Century, for iauru; naiiamou, uienreagli, k. uooaKi, ior north; Somedomo Maru, for tho EuHt r. GREEN CAPK (218m). Passed: Oct. 30.
Time. s. 2.50 a.m., Musgravc, 9 a.m., Katooinba, 2.0 p.m., north; like Hotiart, 6 p.m., south. GABO (238m). Passed: Oct.
20, Corio, from north; Monaro, 0 p.m., west. Oct. 30, Mac-union, a a.m., Ainnainn, p.m., norm; iJUKcra, l.TO a.m., Zealandla, 4.45 a.m., Burwah, 2.10 a.m., all west. PROMONTORY (42flm). Passed; 0-L SO.
Cediina, 6.45 a.m., wont; Komura, 12.5 a.m.; Werribee. a. 1.45 a.m. Gracchus, s. 7.45 a.m.: Clilllngoe, 9 a.m.; Clan Macphee, 11.30 a.m., east.
4 KLBOUHNH (fi7flnn. Port nonisnn. r. from Adelaide; Coulburn, from Newcastle; Katooinba, irom rremantie; nan came, from Lamicebtoti; Warealea, from Strahan; Malahat, aiix fcIi, from Gruy'a Harbour. Oct 80, Nairona, Awaroa, Koo-meela, from Launceston; Eliza Davies.
ktch, from Smith ton: Oonah, from Burnie; Laranoli, from Hobart; South Africa, from Capetown; Palma, from London: Freinfets, from Buenos Ayres. Dep: Oct, 29, Time, s. Alabama, for Newcastle; Kntormbii, Otlra, for Sydney; Marrawab, for Stanley; Poon-bar, for Hobart; Koorlnga, for Ijaiinceritoi'; Graochus, for Calcutta. Oct. 30, Zealandtc, far London.
FREMANTLE (2466m). Arr. Oct 29, Bretwalda. from the eastern States; Oct 30, Dijiogn, from Port kjep; kku -at, aretwaiua, tne united Kingdom. (ItULOXfl Arr: Oct 29.
MoOrnbool. frnm Newcastle. BUHNIE f519m. Am Oct 29. Oonah.
fi n.m.. from Melbourne. NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING. AfTCKLANT) fl Ait; Oct. 9fl.
Inffn. a. from Newcastle. Bep Oct. 29, Makura, R.
M. Kivertna, for Hynney, T.TTTKLTON (1874m). Dep: Oct. 29. Canadian Con queror, for New York.
aiiurr uep: ucc, 2W, wanaaian apinner, for- New York. WELLINGTON (1239m). Den: Oct 29. Kowhai. m.
for Melbourne. BRITISH AND FOREIGN SHIPPING. Oct 28. Arrivals. At Hull: Port Nicholson, from Australian ports (left Sydney Sept 9).
At Toulon: Orsova, R.M.S., en from Australian ports to London (left Sydney Sept. 20). At Port Natal: Ulysses, en route from Australian porta to Liverpool left Sydney Sept, 20). I Departures, For Sydney: Naldera, R.M.S., from London; Don-gam, from the United Kingdom. MAILS.
DAILY, except Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays. Victoria, and 8 p.m.; South Australia, 5 p.m.i Queensland, noon. DAY. Ocean Island, via Newcastle. 11 a.m.
nobart It a.m. (Westralia). Thursday IslHnd, Darwin, Java, Singapore (parcels). p.m. (Marella).
TUESDAY. Thursday Island, Darwin, Java, Singapore, via Rris bnne. -Noon (Marelln). Richmond River (parcels). 1 p.m, (Brundiih).
Clarence River 2 p.m. (Coramba). Coff's Harbour and Jetty (parcels). 2 p.m. (Narani).
Byron Buy (parcels). 4.30 p.m, (Pulganbar). South Africa (pareela). 5 p.m. (Euripides).
Tasmania, via Melbourne. 5 p.m, (Noiranu). Auckland, N.Z. 6 p.m. (Maheno), Western Australia, 5 p.m.
(overland). Registered Mull for Sonoma, closes at 6 p.m. America (North and South). 6 p.m. (Sonoma).
United Kingdom (letters and packets If spcclalV en dorsed per 6 p.m. (Sonoma). Hawaiian Islands, Samoa, and Fanning Islands. 6 p.m. (Sonoma).
WEDNESDAY. A Special Clearance of American and U.K. and N.Z. letter boxea will be made for despatch of letters onl.vi. 8 a.m.
Sinoraa). Tasmania, via Melbourne. -8 p.m. (Oonah), THURSDAY. Java and Singapore (parcels).
6 p.m. (Eromanga), Tudinania, via Melbourne. 5 p.m, (NaiVAta). Western Australia. p.m.
(overlaud). ENGLISH MAILS. Outwards. Sonoma, closing November 1, expected arrive London December 11; Narkunda, closing November 4, expected arrive London December 10. Inwards.
Dated London. October 8, ex Mantua, via i "rcaaes, via nuez, ouo ayunoy frted London, October 20, ex Osterlcy, via Sues, due Sydney November 24, AMERICAN MAILS. Inwards. Dated Vancouver. October fl.
tpi MvIciim. due Sydney November 2. PROPERTY SALES. Bardie and Gorman Proprietary, Limited; In con' Junction with G. Edwards and advises having held the sale of the Cumberland Estate at Chullont on the ground on Saturday afternoon last.
Several allotments were deposed of at prices ranging from 330 per foot to 28 per foot. Total sales, 767. Rlclurdson and Wrench, Limited, In conjunction with Lewi B. Higgs, Teporta having sold several lots in the Bridgenorth Estate, Lakemba, at prices ranging from 30 to 3 per foot. The auction sale of the Bull) Pass Estate.
-Saturday afternoon, was well attended, snd was con ducted by Slade, Brown, and Bloomfleld, Limited, In conjunction with Mr. n. F. dotterel, Bulll, Twenty BIX lots were disposed of nt prices ranging from 20 to per root, iomi rbics amounting io Mini, ine and Home held an suction sale on the ground of railway land, adjacent to Mllaon's Point. North Sni(Uty, fl; Viricent, Hull, l.
IVnnvruick. I. AiulntMit), a. t.w, Harnett, not out, It, tiion, not out, 0. miiidriet, 25.
Seven wickctn lor W8. uowiu.fr: J. Aradtffcon, one for SO; Mot mm for J6; ttiiieti.cj', threflor Hull, two fur 41. WAVERLIy MANLY Coiieludad at Witvwriey Oval, and woo by Wavtrtay by rum on init inimuii. I litinly.
Vint Inning. Qleeaon, June, Comber, ti; G. Wllllami, Jones, Cornier, B. A. Oee, ForwberR, 13 H.
Woollcott, Kfppax, Ivea, P. Lowe, oriwbertr, II. Barker, Fomibertr, B. Bubo, oruberg, T. Waddy, Fuivabftjr.
24; L. Green, run out. J. Umidell, lbw, FonuAwrg, A. Ajidenrfju, not out, 14.
bundriea, 0. Total, so. Ivu, one lor Comber, two (ur 87; a Second lnnloff. I 4E. Gleaaon, lbw, E11U, 00; U.
William, u. uinsviij iui Cilia), u. II lUUUaa, If rgnwrai, D. A. Gee, Forbnr.
0: B. Woollcott. Pomberg, t. n-auay, not out, 12. Buiaunw, a.
uur VtckeU for 96. Bosllnr: Forah fhrM, fnt Tn iwiat tt II: Ula, om (or 87; Kippax, none (or 1L Waverley. Finrt Inmnga. H. Jones Anderson, ti H.
Caswell, Randell, tl; Irioniaa at Green, Randell. flit A. Klnoax. Gleeson. Airienon, 24: W.
Ivea, Randell, K. Fonaberg, not out, 38; tt bavage, not out, 6. Sundries, 8. taninga closed. Five wicket for 168.
iwwiing. jJubh, none for 87; Anderson, two lor Bandell, three lor 44; Get, none (or 19. PETERSHAM CENTRAL CUMBKHLai. Concluded at Parramatta Oval. Central Cumberland won on tbe first Innings by six wickets and oO runs.
Petersham. First Innings. S. Rmlth. Kmoin ffHMran iM- A W.
Rfflfn. 0 Brown, Coogan, 42) A. Scanes, Whitting, A. G. CpbeU, at Watsford, Wblttlng, 12; 13.
41. lsuiik, iranney, tooRun, a. m. nrown, iow, Whitting, W. J.
Waddlngton, not out, 14; H. narneis, ajoogan, Everett, coogan, a. E. Quinney, and OooRan. 1 I.
Campbell, WhitUng, Sundrfea, 8. Total, 137. Bowliiiir: G. Host, none for ffl: Fitsfribbon. none for 17; Coogan, six for 63; Whitting, four for 33.
Central Comberland. irst Innings. E. K. Brown, not oaL 83: 1L Cranney.
Smith, Everett, Waddy, KvereU, 17; L. Best, Kverett. 00: W. Wnltting. Kverett, p.
Kitzrlttxm, not out, sundries, SU. Four wickets for 197. tsmery, none ior rrrereit, jour ior h. Camobell. none for 26: Waddlngton, noe for 23; Brown, none for 30; Barnett, none for 23.
FABBBfGTON SYDNEY. Concluded at Hampden Ova), and won by Paddington by 44 runs on tha first Innings. PadoUiigtan. Firrt faming. X.
JamtHT. Jim AAtr. lif): K. O'Brien. Brown, Jiggi, 89; A.
Stevenson, Gregory, Jaggs. W. WeUa, King, Asher, O. Fuller, Kins, Asher, M. A.
Noble, at GosteBow, Aaber, 48; Dr. E. Trenerry, at GosteUow, Jaggs, 4: G. Sauires. lbw.
Asher, 1: C. L. Gentle, JuggB, C. Robinaon. Bowe, Afher, 14; H.
Bird, not out, Pin dries 4. Total MB. Bowling: Bowe, none for 24; Asher, 0 for 77; Jagge, 4 for 6C OtrAnmrr VirsO Tnnlnin. O. P.
Asher. not out, 43; N. Cohen, Foliar, Trenerry, 91; W. G. Brown, Trenerry, P.
King, i an. nMa. Ton wlf Upfja fnp ll.V none for 23; Trenerry, two for 01; itobluson, none ior w. GORDON RANDWICK. Concluded at Chatswood Oval.
Match drawn, Gordon. First Innings. 0. Bosklng, Phillips, Merchant, 42; Cad wallader, Phillips, Merchant. J.
flynn, Shea, Dowd, J. 8. Taylor, Phillids, Shea, 78; Wuttat ihof Ufrrhailt. 79: A. Diamond, run out, n.
ur arAnm nn ntir -)A Mnpkuv. PhtlliDS. 16: Martin, not out. sundries, 8. Seven wicket for (declared closed) 285.
Bowling: Shea, one for 64; powd, one for Merchant, three for 85; Phillips, one lor 43. Randwick. First Innings. C. Achurch, run out, 103; A.
Jenkins, nosking, 32; Rmlth Mar-kaW. ll N. PhilllDS. 0 WattM, Unrtin. to- MTprrhnnt.
Diamond, Dive. J. Fltepatrick, Flynn, 21; F. Darcby, Flynn, F. ltrAuircruxip nnt nut.
ft; P. Lee. a Mart n. Dive. 4: W.
Dowd, not out, sundries, 16. Bight wickets 0wi'iri(r; Fl-cnn. tw for one for 40 Fuller, none for 62; Dive, three for 60; Hosklng, one for 3. Concluded at the Sydney Cricket Ground No. and aruwn.
fiiebe. rinrt innings. G. Morgan, Rock, Sturt, 94; F. Mair, Owner, RolUwnv.
Prut ten. Start. 18: J. Bottle. Rock Hessleln, 87; A.
Gray, not out, 20: M. Bell, Htnslein. 0: sundries. 10. rive wicxets ior FnrilntTH rlnMl.
Bowline: Kendall, none for 48: Iawcs, none for 28; Gorntr, one (or 38; Sturt, two for 31; Heaslein, two for 7. University. l- irat inntnga. M. B.
Beaalein. not out 28: H. Hock, not out. Bimdrips, G. No wickets for 72.
Bow)tng: Kelleway, none for 21; Gray, none for Cullen, none for 17; Smith, none for 9. ST. GEORGE BALMAIN. Concluded at Birch drove Oval, and won by Balmain on uie nrst innings oy iu wicxets ana ito runs, St George. First Innings.
M. Barter, run out. 9: B. Jones, Elrkin. Tl.
Freeman, Ironmonger, 13; A. Emery, Klrkin, t. uugnes, roucara, ironmonger, v. mui- laraey, ironmonger, iu; u. unspo, ironmonger, xi E.
Adama, Alder, Ironmonger, L. Walt, roiKara, a. rrancia, eotKaru. ironmonger, Kahln. tint nut.
0: stmdriM. 6. Total. 94. Bowlinii: Ironmoneer.
oix for 13: rolkard, one ton 16; Campling, none ior no: Kirxm, two ior 39. Balmain. im Innings, ft. Whpt1iv. iNit out.
YHi: II. Love, not out niindripfl. No wicket (or 240. now i in a on ma. none ior rva.ii.
non ior i- Francis, nono (or '37; Kable, none for 24; Crisno, none ior si', uugnes, none ior carter, none ior zi. SECOND GRADE. EASTERN DIVISION. Manlv Waverley. Concluded at Erskineville Oval.
and drawn. Waverley, eight for 216, innings declared closed (Walford 95, Warburton 57, Lewis 20, Levy 13, Hooker 13). Moore four for 68, Searle two for 64. Manlv. four for 108 (Dunlon 41.
Freeman 19. Little 18. Mitchell not out 15). Stevens two for 64, Tustin one ior ia. Cordon Ranrfwicfc Concluded at nandw ck Oval.
and won by Rand irk on the first innings by one wicket ana one run. uoraon, ios rirumper aa, jaayo ao. Brod 29. Kilsmore 19. Koirers 20 not out), isasflett five for 58.
Brown two for 63, Lutton one for 1. Rand' wick, nine for 169 (Achurch 43,. Toby 48 not out, Ward 41, Lutton 15), Laurie four for 51, Foster one for 26. El smore two for 42. Baker one for 4, Vnrit.
Cnrlnao Mrurmnn lnr-l l.riorl of D.ilf.rr, Oval, and won by North Sydney by 60 runs on the first innings. North Sydney, 220 (Myers 91, Smith 38, Colt-man 87 not out, Truman 15, Crew 11). Kallmeyer six for 60, Tye two tor ra, tiogue two ior o. itioaraan, 160 and five for .77 (Uogue 22, Griffiths 35). Wiles five lorll.
Svdney Paddington. Concluded at Sydney Cricket Ground (No. 2). and drawn. Paddinirton.
209 (Mutli gan 107, Penton not out 64, Pope 42). Walker two for 12, Neil two (or 26, Rogers two for 46. Sydney, two for its (aeu not out bv, uurran at, wureai is), Baxter one, ior rope one ier an. WESTERN DIVlsioN. nuiv Untvendtv.
Concluded at Went worth Park, University winning by five wickets and 119 runs on the first innings. Glebe, 181 (Thomas 44, Deane 12, Hill 13, Nixon "ll. South 10). Flattery five for 16, Webb two for 87, Schofleld two for 22. University, five for ea s-UOkllnr nrtf niit TO Rn1rvim.A A9.
rinHnrv Rl Mayes 81-, Webb not out Berry two for 60, fiouth two for 69. Western Suburbs Marriclcville. Concluded at St. T.tiVa Hval. inH Hrnwn.
Wmtem Sllburbs. 108 CWI Id- man 70, Kerrigan 56 not out. Willis 83, Tunbridge 10 not out). Tweedale, four for 66, Asprey, two for 45; Ryan, two for 17; Dein, one for 21. Marriekville, two for 100 (Prince 40 not out, Dein 37 not out, Kenny 20).
Tunbridge. one for 28; Owen, one for 20. Balmain St. George. Concluded at Hurstvlllo Oval and drawn.
Balmain, 133 (Humphries 37, Tytherleifih 10, Mulr 18, Bughan 16, Riley 12). Big-nail, three for 27: Fox, five for 49; Kable, one for 16. St. George, three for 116 (Roberts 69 not out. Tinning 41).
Mnyne, two for 22. Petersham Central Cumberland. 3oncluded at Petersham Oval, Petersham winning by 62 runs on the first innings. Petersham, 180 (Francis 74, Crane 64, Brooks 10, Wardley 13). Fathera, three for 88; Watters, three for 42; Leabeater, three for 41.
Central Cumberland, 128, and five for 227 (Renshaw 51, Roth-well 83, O. Cranney 24, Leabeater not out 24, Conners not' out 17). THIRD GRADE. (EASTERN DIVISION?) Tbe Waverley Paddington and Randwlck Gordon matches have yet to be played. MMtman North Svdne v.
Concluded at North Syd ney Oval (No, 2), Mosman winning by 16 runs on the "'n'LJ, i "kSI 'ftS' 2.0,.'.r. iS'mJXSSS' S8 to, Wavnf1tf Concluded at Jubilee Oval. WaV- three for 24; Levy, two for 16; Stephens, tWp for 22. Waverley, 1 four for 147 (Turner 60 not out, Watford IB, Hansen zoj. nranu, vwa iw Sydney Paddington.
Concluded vot Waterloo Oval, Sydney winning by. 108 runs on the first Sydney, five for 171, innings declared closer? (Agar 69, Osbourne 34, Bonoghue 27, Clarke 23V Green, one for Williams, one for 25. Paddington, 63 (Ounnlngtiam 821. Davidson, seven for 80; Donoghue, one for 9." (WESTERN DIVISION. Petersham and Central Cumberland have a postponed match to play, University Glebe.
Conclued at University Oval, and drawn. University, three for 228, Innings declared closed (Gsrrin 111 not out, Stanley 45, Foot 26). Glebe, nine for 87 (Smith 26, Grant not out Zl). Sutton three for 17: Wunderlich, three for 2l; Mould, one for 6: Richard, one for 12. Marriekville Western Suburbs.
Concluded at Prat-ten Park. Marriekville winning by 42 runs on t' first Innings, Western Suburbs, 00 (Johnson 80, Davies 15, Leighton 10; Davies five for 63, Newman i lOUr I tour tor n). ana none ior so- lue.gubun not Brown 17 not out). Marriekville. 138 (Hnrt 87, Gee Sri, O.
Davis 23) r. McCredte, four for 83, Boae two for 26, Davies two for 26. St. George Balmain. Concluded at Birchgrove Oval (No.
2). Balinaln winning by 81 runs on the first Innings. Balmain, 229 (KstcllrTs 63. Bull 58, Turner .42, Andrews 27). Emery, two for 20; Hutchinson, two for 80 McNanwro.
two for 17. Rt George, 148 (Walker 85, Targett 6, Richards 28, Slater 18). two for 80; Dempta two for 83; Rae, three for 10. rown not ouij, JUNIOR CRICKET. WESTERN SUBURBS ASSOCIATION.
First Grade'. namtvArrlnwn. Mft rUflrton AS. Drana 44. F.
Store 84. Htckaon 24; Shlpway two for none), Burwood United, teWvtanr M). AJl'W "7 VfliZll tT i A.iSl lr, JhSi? lE RAtainv. 185. and one Tor 13 CO.
Prawse 63 not out. Loveridge 32j B. Prdwse five for 81, E. Loverldge none for one, W. TjoverMge one for 22), Newtown Oxford, 83 (Mulholland 14, S.
Nicholson O. Fon-neU four for 65, King two for 60, MulhoDandT two for im 1Q Enfield, 98 and two for 17' (Small 48; parkee three for 11, Garrlghty four for 81), St. John's and St. Andrew's, 131 (H. Booth 65, Lennard SI; Taylor, eight ior nt) Marriekville, 1M (M'Glinchy 40, Armitrong flS, Elvin 20, Wright 20; Elvin three for 20, Oleary one for 10), South Sydney, three for 84 (Nelson five for 42, Ohirg-win three for 67), aUdeombe, 121 (Letort VT, Polorto 22: Moodle two for TP, Baileylwo for 27.
Evari one for 13), Aumim, flre for 68 Oeey three for 41, Byrnes three for 20). Decona virnoe, ley 24) BuottU ftve ior 81), letters, avtn 'ior 104 JurriCKvue avocs, iz uiongHon ismnii zv, wnit above-mentioned transfer. A sum of 4118 owinir to uila yeur'B Tory email crop. The outlook for heBslaca has undergone a change this week, as both North and (South America, much to shippers' Hurprlse, have become large buyers for near deliveries and ara paying very full prices. Reports are also to baud that general trade conditions have Improved bvo, uu lOM.gruyi iu in tne united mates, and that crops In tbe United States la not likely to be Imposed thla year.
Tha tendency of the beaslan market depends kiii uu liiu consuoiiDK Dower 01 America during the remaining months of this year." OVEESEA MARKET CABLES. a LONpO.V WOOL. BALES. LONDON. Oct.
28- 1 The wool sales closed this afternoon, prices being the highest of tha There aa ding from all centres except America being ery brisk. The home trade gave most uppwi, lop-msaerB ana spinners nuying iree to cover ortters. The set action of merino cent, above September rates, and all scoured 1 crossbreds were 10 per cent, above September i rates. i The offering comprised 145,524 bales, fully 90 per cent, being sold. Messrs.
John Sandenon and Co. have received the following cablegram from Sanderson, Hurray, and Klder, London, dated init: "The eighth series of mden of tha present year, which commenced on the 11th lust, eloped to-day, with the market firm. Compared with the cloaiirg rules of tbe previous seiieR (September), the sales just concluded have closed at the following level: Merino, greasy, betst aorta, 10 per cent higher; merino, greasy, other descriptions, 15 per cent hi (filer; merino, scoured, 15 per cent higher; comeback, greasy, 71 to 10 per cent higher, croaured, greasy, fine to medium, 7 per cent, higher; crossbred, greasy, coarse, 12f per cent higher: crossbred, scoured. 5 per cent, higher; sllpe. all sorts, 7 per cent QUEENSLAND CHEESE.
To-day 8077 crates of Queensland cheese by the steamer Westmeath were offered at auc tion, and 1160 which had been damaged by water were all sold at from 17 to 49 per cwt Of the 6917 crates wntcn were in good condition, about half were sold, coloured brought 62 to 70 (one lot 75), white 72 to 85, and a few at 90. MISCELLANEOUS FRODUUJS. LONDON, Oct. 29. November sh foment of good middling cot ton 1b worth 12.1&d per lb higher on tha week).
Rubber is quoted thus: Jrine nara rare, na per lb (unchanged on the week); plantation, first latex crone. lOtd Der lb (Id higher on tbe week); smoked sheet, lOd per lb (Id. higher on the week). The copra market is steadier. October to December shipments of South Sea sundrled copra in bags are being offered at 27 a ton (5 higher on the week).
The market for hemp Is weak. September to November shipments, high point to fair, being available at 3710 a ton (15 lower on the weea). The jute market is quiet. October to No vember shipments of new crop, native Drat marks of raw jute, are selling at Dundee at 29 a ton (a week ago October to December shipments ware worth 3210 a ton). Linseed oil.
snot dIdob. Is 15 per ton cheaper, at 2710 per ton (equal to 22.61 per gauonj. Turpentine Is 4 per. cwt dearer, at 686 per cwt tequai to oa.w per PRODUCE. VEGETABLE A large consignment of Lee ton peas was again found to be tn a very bad condition on Saturday morning.
The market eased down considerably in greens. There was no change otnerwise. Quotations were: BeajiB. local 11. rivers HI tn fi; bmari henna.
Alt tjas. uiruL-ra iu to i Li. 1 orKKiiiTM at 10 ner ousnei: cabbages, choice 10, medium 6, small 2 to cauli- iiowers, cooice 11 ip. jo, memum small ti to or, notatoea. TaBraanian Brownella.
11. Plunkpttii. 10' Commonwealth 10, local varieties 67, Melbourne varieties new garaen potatoes 18 to 19: onions, 76 to 88, white onions 14; sweet potatoes, choice locau id to- mMi. i vera ia izf pumpkins, lettuce, 7 to 8 per bag, 2 to 23 per uozen; ceiery, to Deetrooi, mi to ol parsnips, 'o io carrots, turnips, to nv; cress, 4 to herb's, spinach, 26 to parsley. 3: radish II to 2i.
horseradish. 8 to 9: rnuDiixD, if to ao; leeKs, to zo; tnyme and sage, 1 to 2: esclmlota. to 4: tomatoes. Oueentiland. 8 to 14; Brisbane 20 a half-buehel case, locals 'Mf xiruiuane zv a case.
PRODUCE I WARDS. IAUSCESTON, Saturday. Tbe steamer Tarinnl left DevonDort for Svdnev taut ntRht with 4875 bugs poUtocs, 977 bags oats, 3360 WOMEBtlSH TRIIflKWCS. There are 21,045 bheep and 2772 cattle llted for o-nity a sales at iiotnenusa. Following are the truckiugs booked at Horaebuih for lonncoming soles: Oct.
81: 356 sheep vans and 267 cattle waggons. Nor. 8: 156 slieep vans and 162 cattle waggons. Nor. 7: 177 sheep vans and 82 cattle waggons.
Nor. 10: 41 sheep vans and 01 cattle BRISBANE. Sunrlav. At the Roma-street markets on Saturday new season's puutiora aoia ut i.io to lua, 010 season's, ivra to tiuize realised 48; lucerne chaff, 06 to 57. mining: THE SHARE MARKET.
Though tho possibility of vital developments in tho Broken Hill situation "was not fully reflected, the mining share market advanced Btrongiy on Saturday. Barriers, ot course. were the centre of operations. Holders did not display anxiety to sell, and undoubtedly the course of events this week will be awaited with Interest. British (old) was again in the fore-front, and moved up 14 to 2144- Sou' 'is showed the greatest increase, being 16 MKiier zio.
norma put on to aiioa. and "Hills" made 1 to 319. "While not quite so pronounced, the corresponding movement In Melbourne and Adelaide was definite, The Barrier group had the local market to Itself, excentinK ior ugnt dealing tnree tin bxockb, Kampong impcoved a few pence to 3V. and Tonekah Harbour was lid better at Ziviua, With tbe announcement of a clean-up- of 4i tons of concentrates Associated Extended weakened, as early last Week a better Teturn was anticipated. At 28 the stock waa lower.
The following mining sales were listed. Silver: British om. zi. ms. zi4ft: B.H: Proprietary, 819, 6 weeks 319; North B.H., 6 weeks 319, cash 319, 31101, weeks 321 B.H.
South, cash 279, 2710ft, 6 Weeks 283, 6 weeks 2710, 276. Tin: Kampong, 84; Tongkah Harbour, 30, 29 AO; Associated juxienaea, nn, -a weens 27i. The closing quotations on Saturday were: CoDDer: G.S.A. Mines, uampaen uion curry, 53,4 66; Mount Lye 11, 138; Mount Morgan, ia9. Silver-lead: British B.H..
privileged, 213, 214 Broken Hill 8 Al'J B.H. Junction, 14; Junction North B.H., 56; North 13. aiy, naf: ts.n, aoutn, Aaaoctated Extended, 27. 28; Car- nnthia. naid.
6: do. coht. 49; Federa tion, White Crystal, ll, Asara Kumbang, 29, 31 n.ampong namunung. 34; tt.ota, a-(; Larut, oaf. fiold: Dean levels.
Hawkins' Hill, ll: Hawkins Hill Marshall's Hill End, 26, 8 29. LONDON, Oct 28. On 'the Stock Exchange to-day B.U. Proprietary Mid at 285 to 96, B.H. South at 856, Mount I.yoll at llt.
Great Boulder at 64, and Hampton Propertiet at 4. NOTES, AsMclsted Extended Tin Mines, V.L., report, haring sluiced S144 cublo yards for a clesn-up of 4, tons tin osncenmus. INTERSTATE EXCHANGES. ADELAIDE. Saturdar.
To-day's sales And quotations were: Silver Broken Hill Proprietary, sales 319, 82, 317BI Block 10, 10: Block 14, 78; British, old, sales. Si, SI. 210: British, new, sales 183, 1841, 18, 180; B.H. South, sales 27, 271J, 278, 874. H79j North B.H.
sales 819, 810, 83, 8110825; Zlno Corporation, sales 90, 010, 99, 911; Zlno Corporation, pref, 30, 82j Electrolytic Zlno, 14, 142. Uold: Snles, Edna May, 14; Bdna May Battler, 2l; EdiuT Central, odea Kdna May, Deep Levels, sales 114, 11, Great Boulder, 67. a BMi Oolden Butterflv dolden Butterfly (paid), 10, I 1 UMmptda 4lc bratlon, fl5, fltU; lvanhoe, 197i Murrln Proprie- wjt autooroo von.f iiul im Mutooroo, paid, 8Si, Sou ot OraUa, 6S; Bohih KAlgurll, alfk; MKLBODRNB, Saturday. To-day's aales: Silver. Broken Hilt Propty-810, 8S8; do, weeks 83Si Broken Hill South, 209 North B.H., 83, llnv; British, CO9, 2111; do.
0 weeks, 20 113; Qectro-lytlo Wnc, 148. 144. kt. IHrrelK 64, fifl; M. Weeks tf7.
Tint Badak, 6d; Tongkah Compound, 4, -v Ooltf) Rlverlna South. A weeks fifli ndna Vav Tmt LVflt AJtit, 710; I-och Pyns, 118; Ne Lsngt Login, iv juo; new uiue urasois, i roontn, mt lyrron- nell, (n) 10. Mr. Qrsfton B. Le has tnnoiraeed his Intention of contesting Bllgh Ward In tho forth CORI Ins1 munlnlnal talon I Inn In tha In.
tores ts of roCornu win' be carried forward. a METEOROLOGICAL Commonwealth Weather Bureau, Sunday, i Average annual rainfall at bydney for 3 years, 4S12 points. Average for previous 02 years, from January 1 to end of October, 4241 points. Total from January 1, 1P21, to date, 3504 points. Total for corresponding period of 1920, 2554 points." Barometer.
Saturduy; At 0 a.m., 30.316; 3 p.m., rF rr" S. a.m'.'. 71. 2: 8 d.ul. 71: 9 n.m..
66.0: maximum 72.4: 66. 0 a.m., 77 p.c. 3 p.m., fiO p.o. fiJ fil wpe Wind. Greatest velocity Saturday: 17 miles, from NE.
at 8.20 p.m. Sunday: 20 miles, from NE, at RAINFALL REGISTRATION. New South Wales (for the 24 hours ended at 9 a.m., Saturday). Bathurst 22 points, Blackheath 9, Blayney Uullahdelan 20, Carcoor 3, Clarence Town 30, Clarence Heads 6, Dungog 81, Emmaville 8, Glen Innes 40, Gloucester 9. Grafton 10.
Inverell 20. Katoomha 10. Kurrajotiir 22, Lawson 15, Laurieton 19, Manning Heads 10. Moruya treads 3, Mount Victoria 4, Paterson 24, Kayropnd Terrace 14, Rock ley 13, Singleton 6, Spring-wood 12, Stroud 6, Tabulam 8, TenterAeld 40, Under-cliffe 2, Walcha 2. RIVER REPORTS.
Tbe heights above summer level of tbe inland rivers at 9 a.m. on Saturday were as follow: A Ibury, 9ft 61n above zero on gaugo; Angledool, Bolranuld, 18ft llin; Bin Kara, 2ft 8in, BoggabUla, 7ft 61n; HooIIgal, Oft; Bourke, 18ft 3in, Brewnrrina, 16ft 6in, Collarenebri, 7ft 6in; Gowra, 2ft Oin; DeniU-J qu in, 16ft 6in; Euabalong, 9ft, Eunton, 80ft Tin; Forbes, 6(t Oin Goodooga, 1 Gundsgai, 7ft Oin; SHIPPING. ARRIVALS. Oct 29. Orvieto, R.M.S., 12,133 tons, Captain from London, via ports.
Orient S.N. agents. Benalla, 11,181 tons, Captain Hlckey, from London, via pojta, Gilchrist, Watt, and Sanderson, agents. Cherica, 6431 tons, from Italy. State Wheat Office, agents.
Mabrlton, 0094 term, from Hamburg, via ports. State Wheat Office, agents. COASTWISE. Tuncurry, from Cape Hawke; uerr' "ucnenneia, Arcner, jMeweasue, jaiava, Tom' from nneuuarDuur; iwuma, nemuia. irom niiuuu; nee Clyde, from Batenian's Bay.
Morinda, 1971 tons, Captain McTiuies, from Rabaul Burns. Philn. and asentH. Auntralcrag, 4376 tons, Captain Ogllvle, from Fremuntle. Commonwealth Uovernment Line, agents.
Navua, 2U30 tons, Captain Fletcher, from FijL union h.f.. agents. Cnmira. a. 2000 tons.
Cantain Stanler. from Cairnf. Aaeiaiue ugenis. Citta di Genova, 8185 tons, Captain Mangiarottl, from Rotterdam. F.
Lubrano and agents. Maheno. s. 6323 tons. Cantain Piii lios.
from Wel lington. Union S.S. agents, Melbourne, s. 1739 tons, cantain Held, irom las-1 mania. Rapid Freight Despatch agents.
H.M.C.S. Pioneer, from Fiji. Era. B. 2379 tons.
Cantain Aitken. from Mclboarne. Howard Smith, agents. waoi taiiruiijuiiuar, iruiii uvrun Day, mhu-quarie, BaTlengarrii, from Port Macquarie; Pelaw I Mam, tiunoer, mniore, uniacnue, irom i Newcastle; Gunbar, Maianbar, Duranbah, Kin-; chela, Brundah, Canonbar, from the North Coast; Belbowrie, AUenwood, Eden, from the i South Coast; Kooraago, trawler, from a cruise. DEPARTURES.
Oct. 29. Eastern, for Japan, via Manila and Hongkong. Mindinl, for Solomon Islands. Zenlandla, for Fremantle, via porta.
Iquitoa, for Melbourne. Barunga, for CainiB, 1 John Williams, for the Soutb Sea Islands. PROJECTED DEPARTURES Oct 31. Narkunda, R.M.S., for London, via ports; Bo ren, for Genoa, Dunkirk, Antwerp, Bremen, and Gothenburg; Westralid, for Hobart; Durun-bah, for Tweed River; Namoi, far Newcastle; Warrentina, for Bawkesbury and Newport. STEAMERS BUB TO-DAY.
Maheno. from Wellington (foot of Marqaret-street). ictiit.ui.ic, Aueiauuc, anu jaeiuourue. (No. 4 Wharf, Darling Harbour.) I.CVUK8, irom unsnane.
tijimcstreet nnori.i Tavluni, from Devonport. (Druitt-Btreet Wharf). Mustrrave. from Hobart (No. 7 Wharf.
Darlinir Harbour.) Cantars. from Mackav. (Colonial Sueur Cnmnnnv'at CLEARANCES. Oct. 29.
Eastern, 358A tons, Captain Gordon, for Manila, Hongkong, and Japan, via ports. John Williams, 663 tons, Captain Kettle, for Gil bert Island. Joan Craig, 1100 tons, Captain Hanson, for Newcastle, Mindinl, 2065 tons, Cadtaln Voy, for Solomon Islands. Zealand ia, 0600 tons, Captain Sheriff, for Melbourne, Adelaide, and Fremantle. Iquitoa, 8314 toua, Captain Davies, for Melbourne and Adelaide.
Barunga, tt, 4842 tons, Captain Mackenzie, for Cairns, via TownBvillc. NARKUNDA'S PASSENGERS. Tiie P. and O. R.M.S.
Narkunda is scheduled to leave Sydney at 12 noon to-day fur London, via. ports. Tho tol lowing ia a list of her passengers: Major R. II. Mac-donald, Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Waller and child, MUa Waller and nurse, Misa K. Durcy Osbome, Mrs.
T. Krlly, Mr. n. M. Georgette, Mrs.
C. E. Jackson, Miss T. Inglis, Miss Dowllng, Mr. and Mrs, H.
Gilles, Archbishop of Brisbane, Dr. Donaldson, Mr. A. Gollln, ir. S.
Gollln. Mlra Wilson, Miss T. Mr. Wilson, Mr. and Mr.
W. A. Mackav. Sir Eriwnrd and Lndy Lucan, Mint Lues, Mrs. S.
Chalk, Miss Hey-dfn, Mm. Leonard Keep. Mr. and Mnt. A.
H. Himdt, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sluart Osbome, His Oabomo, Lieu ten-nnt-Colonel R.
E. Jnlmson, Mrs. Jobson, child, infant, and nurse. Miss Rothp. Mini M.
B. Maxwell, Mirn Dennett Mr. Ellison Rich, Mis Rich, Mrs. Giiy Warren, Miss Robertson, Mr. and Mrs.
G. Fume Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. H.
F. Watson, Misa Catterall, Mrs. K. C. Harbord, Mrs.
A. Simpson, Miss Simpson, Mr. A. A. Rankin, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Francis, Mrs. Mrs, W. Pritcrmrd, Mr. 3in, NE, bar to of 19, s.
STOCKS AND SHAKES. ItireBtmcut ouslness "tha Stock rioh.EKe on riaiuraay, uu woiuwh Hln existed. Ullt-oilged securities were Arm ttmimh Commonwealth tioveru- uot stocks showed a little Irregularity. In-'ustrUlB tad most dealing, and prioea exhibit fed- a reactionary tendency. Variations on u.io RISE.
Vir Ijoau 5 p.c. broil llK3) la bn ll ,40 houdf Ulf) Union Bank, rlglite If J3 Kaiidue Ceinent Peters Iron'. Dock Fall. Sargent. War Loan p.c.
Bonds (10S7) tir Loan 41 P-c 2B bltverton Trum Ilellamlil Oil Australian GneeluUud National 15 Meggltt, ord, own Tha following Investment sales and annear in listed order: r.vnrnmcnt Securities: War Loan, 41 per nL. 10 bonds, 1925, 93. War LiOao, I'Kr com. uuuub S2I 10 bonds, Jiaau. War Loun, per coin, uonus iw.t, mm- War Loan, per mni.
uouub KfJ-et, 11) bonds. 9100, Peace I.OaD, pfr Uuuua wuv, 10 bonds. 9136. Banks: Union Bank 36; Queensland National, 6117. Insurance: i.u.u, it.
flas: Australian Cas, 616. Miscellaneous: Australian Olass, Brl tish Tobacco, 33; City Blectrlc, 25 Rlpftlric cut. 2U a armor ana t.o., zu Kandos Cement, 246; Mcggltt, 109; Mort'a Dock, 16; Peters, 126; Sargents, 26; Spencer's Pictures, 136; Silverton Trams, 233; Jk'llool, Motflln, 206. Coal: netiamoi, EXCHANGES. ADELAIDE.
Saturday. Tn-1av'i tales and Quotations were: (emniODweaiiD sKhiiis jier mi-jj, a 'fffJTfl: a PT cent. uukji, sfciwuu, a lain 126; 6 per cent. ClSaO), 0726, uicfl 07126: Dictrenr Loan, 0ft. a 005: 4 percent.
04; 41 per rent (llhiT), 02; (THTCent. (Ur'l), jtK(, stiles V2; ft per cent. IllttS), 011, 8 011(3; per cent. (1030), 013, i a ner cent. fUWOV.
33 interest. December. 0120- wol: Hagot, shakos, and. Lewis, sales 1071; Harris, Scarfo Bales J64; Hue Lnu Cold Stored sales 73; Wilcox, Mofflin, Bales 203; Bjwtu Strip sales 1211; Wheat, 1910-20 birvert, saJn 3 I.V10, 1020-21 harvest, sales JU 6-16, 11 7-10. investment edes included (Jib, tti- r.b.A..
7: C'-oinmonwcalth Loans, 41 per cent. fe), 9Ill'(6; littQ. pt-r cent. (19OT), 0170; ditto. 3 per tent.
(1W7), Jiul; 10 IJonds, tl per cent. I (1K), To-Aiy's sales on 'Chanire were: Comtntinwesilth War Ixian 4 per cent. 1927, 91176: do. 4 rent. 1025, 025, 0270; do.
6 Per ctnt. ma, 1', ao. per cent. auz7, rente Bonds 8 per cent. 1D30, 97r, tlC76; Disner-' Stock, 6 per cent.
1030, 8020' rniJiincKbl It'iiik. 5 la National. .7: fciwra, 13', 1211; Silverton 24; do. 6 WeeV (4-4; IJunlon. 104; ao.
qtcL, 'li(; wiicat Vic, 4d; do, financial: JNTJiRXATIOXAL WAR DEBTS. The flnawjial problora of the world to-day Is the ftmmicr in which the international war deb id of the should be treated. re they to be cancelled? If they are not to be cancel led how are tney to be paid 7 A monta ago Mr. unurcnm advocated tne cancellation of the debt owing to Great Britain by hor Allies, and the debt owing to tbo United States by Great Britain. Again we have Mr.
Asquith now advocating the eaine course, and furthor than that, the reconsideration or tne wooie question of re parations and indemnities. It is not a new suggest ion. It is more than a year old. The suggestion has been made not only in Great Britain and Jn Prance, but also by 't prominent publicists of the United States a that the United States should cancel the war debts due to ner it ureat amain would cancel the war debts due to Great Britain. Exclud a tag the debts owing by the Dominions to Great nriiain on uccoum ot uie war, amounting to tne war aenis owing by foreign countries to Great Britain are, 1,803,600,000, made up bb follows: F0BHG.V WAlt DKBT OWING TO CAT BRITAIN.
Roaii 501,400,000 tr.nc Italy Belrium hfnia Other 82,000,004 Total 1,803,600,009 On the other side we have the debt owinir foreign nations to the United States, The amounts expressed in dollars 'are: Dollar. Oeat Britain ('ranee Italy Hcbruim IlUboU t'edio-Stovoia Serbia Romtiiinia tircece 1,631 3:18,745,000 387,730,000 25,000,000 9.303,118,000 Total If tho debts owing to the United States were converted into sterling at the current rate ot exchange the debt to tho United States from other countries would be in round numbers 2.335.000.000. On tho Question of Scancellatfon this has to be borne In ine debts nrc not owing by the nations to private individuals, but weTO credits advanced by one Government to. another Go- Ivernmeut I there is not cancellation it la clear that Uicuo dobts cannot he paid for many yours to come, and unless ereat care in taken their payment may prove a detriment to the creditor country. A debt between countries cannot be settled In the same' manner as a debt between individuals.
Between countries me aobt must be settled largely in goods and Bflrvices. The United State's can be paid by importing British goods or byv importing tooda from other countries which receive. In "change British goods. Yet the United States has Increased its tariff In order to make'mrfre tho importation of goodB. If on the jone hand the United States demands payment, fod on the other hand shuts the only door through which payment can be made, an im-iPaaao is reached.
United States manufacturers finding difficulties of export on their part. They are finding that if a country does not Import, or restricts its imports, its exports are automatically restricted, for one becauso of shipping difneyjties, freight being mostly one wav. and for another henauftn nt NlfflcuUies with monetary exchange. BANK RATES. STATE.
Bank rates ot exchange are: New South Wales (within tho State). 2 ner eenu (minimum 6), with the following exceptions; I Within Kvrtnov Mamnnrl Voot fo1t Jtand, Newcastle, with suburbs, par. JWIlcannlH, and WenJ.worth, 5 per cent; iNHDiac, nramDacn, ztt per cent. vMi-uimi rates, tft per cent, to 7 per (overdraft rnta a nn nn fJPOBlt rates, 6 months 4 per 12 months I per cent, two years 6 per cent. New South Wales with Queensland, 6 per nL to 20 nop wnl aant Wilch Is 40 per cent.
I NOW Smith Wolaa with CI Rl VCrlna With Victoria lonfflwav. QA na rt New South Wales with South Australia. 78 cent. New South Wales with Darwin, 20 per oent. NeW SOUth WfllCG With Tac.n.nnn la New RnlttTl VL'n 1 t.lti.
ii. per cent, to 30 per cent. V- NEW ZEALAND AND THE ISLANDS. New fintith W.U. cenl ucount, Belling 10 per cent.
Wmlum; with FIJI. 20 per with Panua. n.uuu i uica nuu it-Hwr AGtiiciuu. duvidb Per eenuj with Samoa, 20 per cent. WITH LONDON.
Sydney on London exchango rates ar: Hlivtnir ci-iii a. ouiiyi(. T3' P.c. premium. T.T Krt i nminin p.c.
premium. O.D. 876 p.e.spremlum P.O. scount. 30 days.
276 p.o. premium. p.o, discount. 60 days. 1,76 p.o.
premium. wradoa on Sydney exchange rates '(taiylng) OB lldtnanJ Ki. asjiu per oont. discount, rairty days' 426 per cent, discount. V16 per oent.
discount, Tel 8 676 per C8Ilt' .7 7 rr i.oDaonon ayanoy are "a at 15 per cent, discount. THE BUITISH LOAV. a fflw Dartlcillur. ara AnAh.r.j K.I Li- fnrillriit the llrlt.lah loan, which has had t. 1 Lon'lon warkot tha paal' FW Onyn.
Thn nmnnnt I. AM aaa Ml. ralsrd-Vor Loi, OoeVn'raent t. proirioing worn lor The tssua price la 62 and II ia a per rts autefl that the return to the lntestor fc? IS? 61.6''4 ao that ir amOUnt rutin I nanA loan ii about 66 tviuu ino ner ion earsi 4.8,800,000 103,400,000 A tho iftsuo NOTES ON THE PLAY. Manickville.
on home round, tailed badly agaiujt the bowling of Clemenger, Darnell, and Bight, iiuedole being the only batsman to reac-h double ugurea. 'ine mnmgH cuiawa ior At runa, wmun iook ax hour unrl 10 iniimLMt to raitnnlle. At the commence ment he wicket was oh tbe soft aide, but it improved aa the evening advanced. Western Suburbs had no difficulty In reaching their oppouent score, and Htiwca ie ai me iouttq ana tne innings yieiueu 119 runs. G.
Pamell aain showed hia verbutilitv by toP'scoring with 89 runs (including six fours 1. made in 29 minutes. Kussell, live for 40, bowled well through' out. In their second attemot Barrickville bit up 64 for the loss of two wickets, and Western Suburbs won on the Irst innimr hv li runs. ine atosman eiue was oeaten ior tne nrsc ume iuu season, when their neighbours irom North Sydney, alter dlsmiKHing them ior 147, hit up ICS for seven wickets before atumns ere drawn.
AnnBtrontr on winning the toaa from P. Anderson sent bis opnonenta cue wicitecs. 'irenerry ana Anuerson openea 10 Prott and Pennycuick. Trenerry lost his partner at 3B, and then ho and Chapman took the boo re to tha century before Trenerry (iA) was caught by Eaton off Bassets, Trenerry batted stylishly for his runs. WitU.
eight wickets in hand and 100 runs allowing Hosman appeared to be in a fair position, but Prott and Armstrong dismissed the remaining batsmen for 47 runs. Uhapinan (72) batted well for Mosman, but he had no Bupport. Prott was again to the fore, hia record reaaing iu overs maiuen runs a wiuaeta. Arm strong seceured two for 18. Pratten (63 and Buckle (ioj gave Aonn ayaney a verr good start, bit being on tne board before Buckle wan out.
North tivdner pasaed Mosman'a total with the loss of live wickets, Pennycuick Via) and Lord (1C) putting the result beyond doubt with a 62 partnership, Smedley bowled well for the losers, his Urce wickets costing 34. Bull got two for 41. Mosm.n lelded keenly. At Waverley Oval the cal team had no difficulty in beating Manly by 68 runs on tho Irst Innings. Glee-son's 24 included Ive fours.
Waddy also batted well for 24. who took Ives' place, finished with six (or 14, a good perlormance on a bard wicket. Comber also bowled well, and the aide was out (or 85, Waverley knocked up 158 runs for the loss of five wickets, and then the innings was closed. Thomas (til) played well, bitting eight fours. Klppax waa shaping well, but he was caught from a misa-hit i when he biui Bcored '24.
Fomberg (39 not out) hit: two sixes off Gee. The best bowling for Manly was nana by Bandull, who took three for 44. Manly went in and scored 06 for four wickets. who batted so well in the first innings, scored 69, in wuicn mere were inree sixes ana euros tours. Romberg bowled well In tbe scond innings, getting three for ivt.
Petersham had 100 runs on the board for two wickets, but then the side onlv added 37 rum. The Smith f48. und Emery (42) partnership put on 56 runs for the first wicket. Smith was in just over the hour. The successful howlers were Coogan, six for 53, and Wliitting, (our for 83.
Central Cumberland scored 197 for four wickets, the runs being principally made by Brown (62 not out) and Best (60). Bach aide was keen in the field. Paddington made an excellent start against Sydney, scoring 77 for the Irst wicket Then a rot Rpt in. and wickets fell rapidly. Asher and Jaggs bowled wltn such success that a small total seemed certain.
M. A. IVoble then Btcadled the side. and. bftttinir with caution yet scoring well at times, he practically Baved Padditi- vju irom ueieav oy qib aia me innings lasted sum-ciently long to give Sydney no hope of winning.
Bo was the Inst man out, being smartly stumped by Gos-tellow, wl has replaced Wright, who for many years has been wicketkeeper for Sydney. Jaggs (new to the runt grade) and Asher bowled remarkably well on an easv wicket. The total was ifd. after two hours batting. Robinson, who helped Noble io some nu a six over a lence artt hlgn.
Sydney bnd at their disposal about 70 minutes in which to make the necessary runs. A splendid start was made by Asher and Cohen, who bit up 61 runs, including (cur fours and a six. In 20 minutes, before the latter was caught behind the wickets. The pair batted very briskly, and set a ina examnle bv thn nmnnar in which they c*ntrived to make runs in quick time. Tim rcte oi scoring oiminisnea, nowever, as tne aitemoou ailvanefrii.
and whnn clnmr wnrA rlrawn of (aw h'. minutes' play, only 115 runt were scored with the loss T.WO tVlrKPTJ)' A lil-tlo mnn limn nrnnlri urlalula tave helptm Syd'ney, but Noble was undoubtedly mainly nuuuiucuui ui Bcuurmff umw ior raaauigUHL Al- thoutrh he did not obtain a Rnhinmn. i-nst- medium bowler, showed great promice for Paddington, uuiuuu wirn uuru iwr uro farmings win irom Itann- wtck at the Chatswood OraL Taking their score from S25 for five wickets to 285 for wvpn tulnlrotn. 4-httt innings was declared closed, and Randwlck were given three hours to get the runs. Jenkins and Achurch, who opened for Randwlck, started excellently, and had 86 up for the first wicket, when Boakins, ai a last re-source, was called up to the crease and fluked Jenkins out with a ball at which the batsman played late.
The bowling' was completely collared by the time Jenkins retiiru. ne mnue some preity leg stroKes and several excellent off drives. Jenkins, who has played cricket in Victoria and South Australia, has also played for North Sydney and Sydney. Be made bis first appearance for Randwlck in this match. Achurch kept going until he reached the century.
Ho was then run out in Ptterapting a aecond run. He hit 4 sixers and 4 fours, and, like Jenkins, wielded the willow with an easy grace typical of the finished batsman. Achurch is a master at executing the late out Pitzpatrlck (31) and rhltlips (28), the latter a very promising young player, vert the onlv otherlandwick players to show up. At the finish Dowd and Breakspear raved tlte game for Randwlck, being at the wickets nearly half an hour Dive, who turned the ball considerably from the leg! bowled- well for Cordon. At the Sydney Cricket Ground No.
the "match between Glebe and University was drawn. Rellewav won the toss, and Glebe batted first, on an excellent wicket, with five batsmen out for 200 the Innings waa closed. University responded with no wickets for 72. Itor-aran' disnlaT wan th swbrtnnriln fMrirM nt va Consistent, stylish, and brilliant, Morgan Is a type of vsmiiM umi Buuinu ire cnuourajrea ana given ehanc. In bl VersatDe In strokes, his off- Ids shot.
ar. wpMlall, good. Opralng With Ma, Morgan hit up runs In 46 minutes, whll. his part- ner scored Ills 04 runs occupied 100 minutes, and inelnded 10 four, and one six. Bogle's 87 wasMnl contrast Mttlmv three for 29.
Frost two for 17. Clutton three for 16, Woodward two for 18). Mortlake, 08 (Hlllyer 2B, Whitman 20, wnitman ove for 48, Peterson two for 49K Burwood United, 189 (Joaselyn 72 not out, Wogan 30 Byrne 21, Itogen i SO, JosKelivn three for 11, Rogers three lor 23. Byrne three for 33). nfl Newtown, 74 (Annam ar, loung wro 1 nan two for 25), Newtown School or Arts, i nno none for 40 (Sparkca C4 not out, A.
Patrick Con- nors at). CANTEBBURYV AND DISTItlCT ASSOCIATION. First Grade, PunWrtwn A. lOA (liprnv 72. Smith 31.
COX 24. M'Al- ister 24; Weeden six wicketfl, Grey two, Boaz one), Camnsie Harcourt nine for 319 (T. Bailey 100 not out. McShlne 87, L. Philps 87, A.
Pigott 20; Ward two wickets, F. Clark two), Croydon Park. Lakemba No. 2, 250 (Young 77, Roberta 21, Funnell 43 not out Brack 20). Burlstone Park (Jones three wickets, Louden three).
United service, ioi teo no, r. r-. French 22), Campsie United, none for 100 (I'hood 53 not out Biddle 44 not out; Itobiiuon five for 34, Vindtn two for 24). ittimore, a Dye. Second nniTartr TTill 1T0 mmdle 31.
Clark 30. Bvme.29: Brodle four for 22, Hynea three for 17, Nelson two (or 18), Campsie Harcourt, 94 (Bridge 14, Bailey 12, J. Padrotta 10; W. Bailey three for 6, R. Bailey three lor 27, Bridge two for 40).
Earlwood. 104 (Amos 26. Dunclay 23; Parkes three tHrMfftta Tww Rift tiwol. Canterbury United seven for 135 (Djilly 39, Campbell 35; Bird eight for uauy two ror ai). western buDuros juniors, ioo iurmej -o, unuic u-nnUii Air u7.oltf.H- T.
Willett three) Uniids No. 3, nine for 114 (MuUens 44, Taylor 21; Adams four wicxets, iveach tnrce, u. omitn two. Canterbury. 808 (Phelps 64, Pearson 99 not out, Wil liams 3d, Newman 33; Crook one for 9, Newmun one 1W 97.
United Service, two for 37 (Kninht 12 not out, tawe 10 not out, Cameron, six for 84, Turner two ior m). aCm.iT oi him tit'piiihn two for gWJSlftS tt25S ia'toSk Hnristone Parte, nxi toncx taf, ijyncn a.y, ocneu ot, 30 (Attneave 17 not out; Burgess four wickets, Smith tnree, wmie Relmore. 63 Woodward E2: Boco*ck four wickets. M'Hugh three wickets, Andrews two wickets), Bonkstown, 110 (NeUson 80, Bell 31; Bell two wickets, Christie one Campsie United, los (Stoener oi, scow 4i, awcKman 32), Punchbowl, one for 23 (Baxter one for 5, Leslie tnree wicxets, uicainnon inree wicxeu. Hurlstone Park, 65 and two for J8 (Hayward l'i and 12; Bloomfleld four for 20.
Schuberg three for 34, O'Neill two for lfi), Aifleld L.O.L., 114 (Armstrong 24, Green 23; WUloughby three for 24, Trevenar two for 17, B. WlBoughby two for 2). M'Leod's, Limited, 119 (R. T. Gray 83, Browntilll 27, Graham 20; R.
T. Gray five for 8, Toy two for 9), Oaiapttie Kiora, SO and two for IS (Root 17; Street four for 18). Belmore warutan, 195 fw. crouan 77 not out, tsaviiie 25, Chapman 21; Gourley three for 13, Womsley two for 1), Greenacre Park, five for 29 (Brown 10 not out). ijucemDa, six ior aai iu, Jimgiu n.
20, Arrighi (hree for 8), Punchbowl C. No. 2, 49. Canterbury United, 274 (D. Gray 104, O.
Cray 80, T. Gray 23, Triggs 20; Triggs three wickets, O. Gray two wicKetsj uinterDury, eigne ior us (Williams Brett 12, Peters 11; Crotbers four for 43, Brett two for none, Williams two for 67. M'KIbbon two for 59). Hurwviiie rarx united, 79 (Prigg 32; melps six for io inac incxj, rurceu iour ior ueoamtiu Limited, 108 (Gfnn 45, Vincent 24; Hensley four for 48, Vincent four for 8, Kenn two for 8).
Petersham Avoca, 221 (W. M'Bcth 81, A. M'Beth 77, Goodwin three wickets, Grant two), Earlwood No. 3, 00. Punchbowl C.
No. 1, 43 and 42 fH. Martin 13), Campsie Old Boys, 39 and five for 48 (Itarasay 10 and 25 not out), Bankstown. 84 (Wood 82. Buriress four for 24.
Jenkins five for l.r), Campsie Juniors, 45 and hone for oi (Doiwen anu ev not out; Harris two for 14, Movie two for 9. M'Leod three for 821. Earlwood, two for 127 (Lucas 46, Neale 40, Nichols nix iur ui), ijuiwico nui, iour ior 7o (Uiarx 7, 1UUB tFUUUUB il). Bclmnrtf Old Bova. 184 (Robert 7(1 not nut Wmvl ka Uulwich Bill No.
2, 74 (C. Bennett 19, A. Bennett iv, a. urimeii, buy en iur oi, ueu OU). ST.
GEORGE ASSOCIATION. T. J. Ijev Shinld. Pirat nmri.
Rockdale District, seven for 247, closed (F. Parnell 01, -M'Klnney 60, Wilson 47 not out, Oashmsn 82, Cluttou 28 not out)', bent Kogarah Conirreimtional, 167 and two for SO (L. Turner 23 not out; Mascord nve ior Illawarra Juniors, 201 (Pulfer 57. H. Hoore.
53. Hoberts 43, Cunningham 32, Murks 25; J. Allen three ior ib, unaiunor nve tor 18 and two (or. 13, Pulfer five for 18, Roberts three for 16. Cunnimtham two for 11..
beat Sana Souci, 37 and 121 Vaughan 33, H. Wright 25; II. Wright four for 06, Blyth three for 62, Oliver two for 21). Ronksfa. seven for 141 (P.
Kniinrfora 4R. Hulnv Ql Tint out; H. King, eight for 48), beat Bexley, 104 (K. King Arncl*tTe. 201 (U.
Wales kIy fnr flv fn 20. A. Ponplewell three for 17), beat St. George, '149 v' B- uey ai, u. iiaiiam Bexley Waratah, a bye.
Grade. Brlffhton. Iffi anrl fir nvn nn io M'Lelsh six for 42), beat Arncl*tTe United, 05 and 95 (Nutt five for 19, Field four for 16). Kogarah Bialrict, 121 and 80 (Milno 31; 11. Cars three for 7, Downing two for, 87), beat West Bexky-St.
George, 61 and 99 (Goodall 82, E. Moore 25; S. Part ivur iur ii, v. uougn nve ior i4. Rockdule District, 120 and flvc for 61 (Moir 25 not out; A.
Baker four for 18, F. Baker three for 32, K. Green two for 10), beat Kogarah Diggers, i71 and 108 IV Thomson 23; D. Thomson three for 30,. Fair two ior Knoarah School of Art.
977 'RnnnoH ari nn. mi. S. Doughan 42, Pritchard 38, Brown 80; Brown four uiiiuisn uirec ior ivy, dcbt. aeaionn, 42 mid no (Mitchell five for 87, Jones two for 41, Hat horn two Bexlev' Juniors.
141 fPamnnn: 40. Watrhnrw. Aa Arnold two for 29), and five for 11, beat Arncllffe aulUCICIB, OV HIaU BIX IVT JUQ IDeUiBl 1(, U. JlatT I Arncliffe Scots. IAS Bell- flv inr 1R anA fA Harmey four for 25 and four for beat Bellevue Hsrciiuiuai, 01 ue ooj ana trz 00), Arnclirie Diggers, 123 and two for 88 (Foran 61 Hill four for 21; Foran three for 25, Stanford two for 87), beat Arncllffe, 82 and 126 (W, Shea 24 not out, 4s riuta no.
ani Rockdale Cambridge, 110 and three for fio R. Steward 88, J. Nutt 22 not out; R. Steward four for 15, G. Lamb two for 7, H.
Parr two for 16, J. Nutt two ior ui), neat west Kogaran Juniors, 99 and (Tait 28: R. Eades two for 27). Illawarra Juniors, 130 (Uebel Carr 24; Uebel inree ior nu, uiarx tnree tor 10, uonnen wo for 11), ik. iw oi, ian numvvuio oeuevue, HI ana I (Wledemler 81: Miller six for 83.
Pavne three fnr R7V and two for 87, beat Hurstvillo Bellevue. 91 and 71 HBTIS Htsllfrl. lia (Honvarr nnt Vnnirhan Mi Moore five for and three for 8, M'Kwan five for 16 and six for B), beat Kogarah Bay, 83 and 84 (Olncy a ia vi 1 il a no ai a nix uva iur iicw until vuirc iur oo, run. two ior M)t BALMAIN AND DISTRICT, Sunlight Shield. A Grade.
Fivo Dock. rw. HolmeM 86. Dnh. Unm.
"7 l. lwu w.cajua 5.Bc.l,) SIFh wv'n lorm Bailey, 86, Hendley 23 not out. Lad 20; Parkinson seven for 28 and one for 18, Hitchens one for 4 and. three for 44. F.
Holmes one for 28 and thres for Dalley, 173, and one for 12 (Adams 40, Taylor 84, 3 lines 28, Ferrler 26, Gow 24; Shilling four wickets, artin three), beat Abbotaford, 70 and 104 (Klrwan 24, Martin 14 and 20; Taylor nine wickets, Fraxer four, Adams three), 1 RoKelle, l7f(H1an 68, Khowles 37, Byrnes 81; Re. (a Hack six for 72, Lyon two for one, Starr two for 28), best Imperial, 164, eight for 124 (Little 87, arris 35, Hughes 23 and 14, Den kin 15 and 84 not out; Cornwall, Ave wickets, Batten five, McLean two). MELBOURNE MATCHES, MELBOURNE, 8unday. In. Melbourne Club cricket on Saturday onlr two matches were finished owing to the on the previous Saturday being too damp for play.
On Saturday the wickets were In favour of the batsmen, and same rood scores were compiled. North three for 2 (it Brasfciier MWotiMonM), defeated Universlur. 2141 Bsnendon. alirht for 109 fDsvlea 62,. defeated OoUinrwood, 01.
Other Korea PSfCT tor (Onions 168, Tolhurst 100,1 nltoT. 7), East MeltMormi South Melbourne, v' ot UIt "rit 9r Klldo, to fe i I I COMMEBCIAL. PRICE OF SUGAR A correspondent inquires as to the present position in regard to sugar anu me posBiunujr nf a reduction or tne retau price. ino aen nite indication ot a reduction has been given and, as recently as Wednesday last tne Mtnis-tpr for Tmd and Customs said that, though the present price of sugar In Australia was somewhat above that In other countries, there hnrt hfifin an immense net savine to tne Aus tralian public in sugar over the whole period of control. The position, as stated by our Melbourne correspondent last month, was that the Commonwealth sugar account was debit.
As tho result of large imports to supply sugar for consumption until the present. season output commenced to become avail able, the Treasury had to advance approximately 2,000,000 to make up the deficiency between tbe and selling prices of sugar handled Under the agreement with the Queensland Government. Until this debit was cleared off no reduction in the selling price of sugar could be hoped tor. On June .30 the debit had been reduced to 1,658,000. So far no definite statement appears to have been made by the Government as to when this debit is likely to be cleared off.
BUTTER MARKET. The wholesale price ot butter Is to be reduced Id per lb from to-day, making the wholesale price for choicest butter 1494 per cwt. The price last week was 1688 per cwt. Prescott, Limited, states that the conditions in the dairying centres continue very- favour-' able and supplies are steadily increasing. There Is every prospect of the season showing a record output.
There is a considerable surplus available for export, and the steamer Narkunda, sailing to-day. Is taking 12,000 boxes, and tbe Port Melbourne, sailing on November 2, ts loading 4000 boxes. In Melbourne the market is unchanged at 140 per cwt. for first grade. On account of the depressing London reports received, the Melbourne marekt Is quoted Supplies are increasing.
Last week's arrivals were 38,005 boxes of butter and 101 tons ot cream. Weather conditions continue favourable to dairying. The Brisbane market remains the same at 1588 per cwt. Supplies continue to Increase, last week's production being 28,000 boxes. The eteamers cunc and Bakara, loading this week.
will take over 22,000 boxes between them for London. The price remains the satde tn New Zealand. The surplus Is being shipped to London on consignment. Cables received from London during tho wee Kwere very aepresaxns, anoL Quoted the market as demoralised. This, no doubt, is due to the anticipated heavy arrivals nd to the unsatisfactory Industrial position.
Tbe price or uovernment butter has been reduced, and is quoted as follows: New Zealand. 192: Australian, 164. New season's free Han butter has realised from 180 to 180 for saiiea, ana up to suu ior special lines of un- saitea. LONDON METAL QUOTATIONS. Following aro the official London fmlddln.
quotations for Friday, as received by the Australian metal vxcnange: Ton. Copper, snot 66161 Copper, 40163 Rise Hln 29. TJnchanffwi fall 20. Unchangad, It lie 29. Rise 29.
Fall 10. Fall 199. uopper, electrolytic to 74 Copper, elect, win ban 73 to 74 Copper, best (elected .....67 uaii, soit, spot Lead. soft, forward 25179 airo 15826 Spelter, spot Spelter, forward Tin, spot Tin, a mo. Or.
SflTtr, apot 841 Rln Oliver, forwara a4, him OI. Mirer, One, apot TiflJ 0 15-19 Oliver. iarw.ro an iid him iu a iron, per ion, co nom. oo exporc trade, Antimony, ptf ton, 4289, Molybdenite, 429 par American copper, IA cent, per lb. THE JUTE MARKET.
Referrln to tha jut marltat, Hoara. Millar. and af CalcutU, In Ita market report atataa that manufacturers unanimously airaed on September 9 to extend tha tour-day working weak to the end of the year. The reoort adda: "The hosslan market la very firm, prioea advancing dally. During the first half ot the period urder review speculator, bought large lines In the far forward deliveries.
The bazaar being ot the opinion that aa mllla will only work four days to the end ot the year existing stocks or nesaian marked wdrth.d.fTori. SI" t'B dItI attractlreVr for 2n not mt. 4. Innings. Manly, 145 (Cochran 62, Brand Bray, ami Mrs.
IL 0. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Godfrey and'2ueJ! dmV aovemiier io; dated London, October agjnvrWiVe batsman tlwova worth watchinsr. Hesslein, 28, and Rock, who opened for Unlver-dty, rerrmlned unconquered.
Both started but livened up, and appeared well set, when stumps were drawn at 10 minutes to 6. St George only scored 94 runs against Balmain st1 Birchgrove this being due principally to the; splendid bowling of Ironmonger, the -Victorian player, who secured the tine average of six wickets fori 13 runs. Balmain opened their Innings with Wheat ley and Lpve, and although St George tried seven bowlers, them two natiimtn wm- (nMtiia tumps were drawn, the score being 240 for no wicket. I "bwvii ww ws more frprrensive man nis partner, bit 21 fours In bis score of ,139 not out. Scores; FIRST GRADE.
1 MABRIOimLLE WESTERN" SUBURBS. Concluded st Marriekville Oval, sod won by Western Suburbs on the first innings by 73 runs. Marriekville, Firrt Binlngs. A. Thatcher, Glemenircr.
2: B. D. Parnell, fa Thatchr. ail. i a raroeu, .1.
B. Scott, 2: W. F. fjront. Oreber, aemcnger, O.
C. HoiA fit vrisachT'T Steele, not out, fi; B. Rumeil, st McKew, Dight, 4: B. Osborne, Dight, sundry, 1. Total, 47.
Bowling. Clemenger, four for 10; Parnell, three for 21; Dight, three for 6. Second Innings. B. Alderton, Freeman, 14; 1, Thatcher, not out, 21 1 A.
N. Thatcher, Fairfax, 17. Sundries. 3. Two wickets for 54.
Bowling: Dight, Hone for 11 1 Neville, none for 7-Freeman, one for 4 Oblpperfleld, none for 10; Fairfax, one for J7; Wild, none for Western Suburbs. First Innlnn. J. Wild. lbw.
Russell. 0: E. GAlifanrln kV Ift "tSSS? end Buwll 0: O. BooK McKew. Steele, A.
Thatcher, O. StrSit, Bowlfngt BusMU, nre for 40; Scott, two for 24; A. Thatcher, two for 07; Alderton, one for 12, HOSMAN NORTH SYDNET. Ooncloded at Mosman Oval, end won by North Sydney by three wicket and 21 nms on the first Innings. Mosman.
First Innings. W. Trenerry, Eatnn, 84; Fi ft. Anderson, Prott, 18: W. Chapman, ArmsUong, 72; E.
Bull, Prott, 14; H. Hooker, l.b.w., Prott, 8. Rowland, Prott, G. Campbell, Pennycuick, G. Smedley, and Prott, J.
Anderson, run out, 0t A. Cooper, not oat, K. MoKenxie, Armstrong, 0. Sundry, 1. Total, 147.
Bowling: Eaton, none for Pratt, Ave for 20; Penovcuiok, one for 40; Bassett, none for 17; two for 18. North Svdnev. First Innfnas. IT. (1.
Pratten, ItuU, 53: P. Bnckle, Smedlev, 10; A. Punch, bmedley, 13; Frendin, McKanzie, manservant, two Misses Godfrey, Mrs. E. G.
Mont- fromery and two children. Mr. Ferguson. Miss A. T.ctirh.
Mr. Durst Mm. Brand, Mlscha Lcvitr.ki, Mr, Marks Levlne, Miss Stewart, Mr. R. G.
Com, Rev. M. Gavin, Mr. Charles Whft, Mr. R.
K. Dempster, Miss Lakeman, Mr. and Mrs. Pearce, Miss M. J.
Turner, Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Roll, Miss Berkingsal, Mlts Murphv, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Ti. Strutton, Mr. and Mrs.
H. G. Franks, Mts. and Muster Bayne, Mr. and Mrs.
Bucking, Healy, the Rev. J. L. Gray, Mr. and Mrs.
Sfreeter, Mr. Lamden, Mr. F. Johnson, Mrs. Harold White, Miss M.
Elder, Mlw M. J. niton, Mfsa W. West, Miss Cltibbe, Mr. and Mr.
Pockel and child, Mrs. Nott Mrs. O. Sttllwell and infant, Mrs. M.
Wills. Miss B. Chilton, Miss Bait en. MIm J. Nolan, Miss Brennan; Mrs.
J. Brew and infant, Captain and Mrs, Claude L. Cumherlege and child, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Hawke. Mr. T. Mile-, Mr. and Mm, H.
Allen. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hunter.
MIm TfurUa ouenaiecKt Haior-uenerai and Mrs. Pakenham Aneelo. Snd child and nmrntM (M'tnllt iMrwui, Jauiirr u. v. suiijaitn, Darbon), Major O.
0. Fslrbslrn. Mr. Cyril G. R.
Gar- Cowlnch, Mr. snd Mrs. W. G. "'K, Mi Mr.
Marshall rir1 Infant. MltM It. fa lln rali er IT Km and Infant. MIm H. Gallagher, Mr.
rand Mrs, George nwwin, mm niewiix, mim rj, wnrriRon, sir. If, Salomon, Dr. J. F. Spring, Dr.
M. L. Nevlon. Mrs. Norman Falkiner, Misr Fallciner, Mr.
and Mrs. A 'jLL Se MIT cmifi, uiss Madge tionnson, Mrs. F. A. Graham and infant, Mrs.
A. Holden. Mr. and Mr A. Eastwood.
Miss D. Shrimpton, Mia Braunon. TELWORAPHIO SHIPPING. RICHMOND RIVER HEADS (831m)(-Arrt Oct. 80, Namni, 0.1R o.m., from flvdney.
HMQKY CAPE (209m). Pitsred: Oct 20, Molra, 10.20 p.m., north. Oct 80: Wallsmba, 6.30 a.m., Banrnga, 9.8A o.m., Olenresgh, 10.JO a.m., Mindinl, ft, 11.90 Cnbakf, 1.86 p.m., Orara. 2 p.m. Bnrringbsr, 2.10 p.m., ICyogte.
6.16 p.rn.. all north; Bosmbee, 8.W p.m.; south. PORT MACQUARIK 074m). Paued; Oct, 8rX tongs, 8.60 John Wflliams, 3 p.m., north; Conntbnr, 10 o.m. south.
MANNING HEADS Oct. 80 Tlnten bar, 8 p.m., north. PORT RTKPIIENS 83ml Paused Ocf-- ftn. A.f1 north Doepel, S.R0 p.m., Jap, 4.10 p.m., Coramba, i.iu p.m., nourn, NEWCASTLE (82 Oct 29. Hunter, Kintors, from Svdney: Magdalene, from north i tw.
rJ.Zn-.A A.t .7 WoolgaV, from Meltournsr Newtli. ftmS frZ Brisbane: Grelwen, from Port Pirie; (mfna, s. from Adelaide. lfp: Oct. Pelnw Main, Mala- blie av Cavan, oca, Navua, Inters, h.
Hub tor. Ml RawJn hitSl MisssT crnnl WW Saturday afternoon. The Bubdlvlslo'n, P0 BTftn "otments. waa sold'at price rtmrinr to 8118. In one or two caaes tho figures obtained were suojecv to xne approval or mo vendors.
Mr, F. H. Farrar reporis having held at auction ale nf eight shop sites, fronting Rocky Point-road, RockdnJa, on Saturday last whan tbe whole waa sold at prices ranging from to 10 per foot. Total soles, 1605. AUCTION SALES TO-DAY.
rnnMlTlTnai ivn unnntuvrtiKV V. A. LTTTLE. At th. Rooms, at 10.30, Kurnlturr, P.
LIHTF.R, th. Rooms, at 11, Clothing, eto.l at A. 8. TWIOO. At th.
Uooms, it 11, Pianos, Furnlfam, rte. S. UUllPHY am) CO. At th. Boonu, at 2, Tools, Boots, etc.
A. 0. JFNK1NH and CO. At tlie Rooms, st 11, Sandrtss. HOUSES, VK1I1CI.K.H, AND HA1LNES3.
T. TNflLlg and SOU. At their Basaar, at 10..10, BorsM, Vohlolna, nd Kimra. 17. LEVY, At th.
Rooms, at 8. Motor Oars, (to. MIRCRMiAITKODS. II. ARRAMR.
At TOT Grorar stirct, Hymarket, at at, Bar flttliuja, BuUdlng Materials, Ho. will bo greatly, reducd pf, the boginniDf; ot.